Padre’s Corner: Spiritual fitness
By Padre Lt(N) Joshua Trombley
In fitness, there’s a principle that “structure determines function,” meaning our body’s structure shapes how we move. This principle applies not only to our physical health but also to our spiritual well-being. Spirituality broadly refers to how we see the world, find meaning and purpose, and nurture our values through practice. If “structure determines function,” then building a habit of spiritual care and growth into our lives will help us function at our best.
A 2010 study in the American journal Military Medicine stated, “Spiritual fitness is key to ensuring optimal force readiness and protection and enhancing resilience and recovery following combat-related trauma.” Despite this, by 2022, spiritual readiness remained an overlooked aspect of US military culture. As a result, some members felt unprepared to make the extreme sacrifices their roles demanded (Koenig, Carey, Al Zaben, Spiritual Readiness, 3–4). In the CAF, we must ask ourselves: are we spiritually equipped? The Royal Canadian Chaplain Service’s Spiritual Health & Well-Being Continuum highlights this link, showing how spiritual fitness impacts our ability to function. Neglecting our spiritual needs can lead to exhaustion, stress, and a rapid decline from “optimum” to “distressed” on the spiritual continuum. Our commitment to spiritual fitness affects not only our work but also our relationships, behavior, and values.
When we think of “spirituality,” a flood of thoughts may enter our minds. In this context, it doesn’t necessarily refer to religious experiences or practices – though it can. Spirituality is about what nourishes our inner selves, gives us purpose, and recharges us. It’s what brings us joy and restores our energy. So, what does that for you?
For some, time outdoors is revitalizing. Others find joy in meaningful relationships. Music, movies, or creative expression can be a source of renewal. Religious traditions – such as prayer, meditation, or worship – may also provide a sense of fullness. Whatever strengthens your spiritual fitness, it’s essential to identify it and make time for it.