Online gym booking now available
By Trident Staff
As personnel continue to gradually return to work, a new tool is available to help facilitate access to the Fitness and Sports Centres at HMC Dockyard and 12 Wing Shearwater. CAF members can now book time slots at the gyms online using the BookKing platform.
Users can choose between 60-minute reservations to the cardio, weight, and functional fitness rooms, and two reservations can be made in one day, though they must be made at least 24 hours in advance. Extra time is built into each appointment slot to allow staff 30 minutes to clean and sanitize equipment before others can begin their workouts.
To gain access to the online platform, users must create an account at https://bkk.cfmws.com/halifaxpub/index.asp, and then call the front desk at either the Fleet (902-427-3524) or Shearwater (902-720-1071) gyms to confirm their status as an active CAF member before being allowed to make a booking.
In keeping with COVID-19 restrictions, both base gyms will continue to operate by appointment online, and it’s asked that gym users inform the front desk if they need to cancel or miss a booked appointment. No showing without notification could result in a loss of privileges.