New Base Commander highlights CFB Halifax’s community ties
By Nathan Stone,
Trident Staff

Military and civilian leaders gathered for a sunny ceremony outside the Naval Museum of Halifax to welcome the new commanding officer of Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Halifax and pay tribute to her predecessor.
Captain(N) (Capt(N)) Annick Fortin took command of CFB Halifax from outgoing Base Commander Capt(N) Andy Mackenzie in a Change of Command ceremony on July 24.
In an incoming address, Capt(N) Fortin said that CFB Halifax is unique for its central location in the city and solid ties within the community.
“I’m committed to maintaining these strong relationships,” she stressed.
Halifax’s Mayor Mike Savage, MLA Barb Adams and MP Andy Fillmore, each representing their respective levels of government at the ceremony, were on hand. Halifax’s first responders also marked the occasion, with attendees from Halifax Regional Police and Halifax Regional Fire and Emergency Services in attendance.
Prior to her appointment as Base Commander, Capt(N) Fortin had served as the commanding officer of HMCS Winnipeg since 2022 while also completing the Canadian Forces College’s National Security Programme in 2024. She said she recognizes the work done on the base “doesn’t remain on shore,” and CFB Halifax has a vital role to play in keeping the fleet ready to meet demanding sailing schedules.
“This is a critical role in supporting operational readiness at home and abroad.”
She added that she would rely on the competence and professionalism of the personnel on base and that, in return, they could count on her to be there to support them.
“You are backbone of my operation, so please know that I am here to support and lead you as we navigate the challenges,” she said.
Capt(N) Fortin also had kind words for outgoing Base Commander Capt(N) Mackenzie.
“I want to express my gratitude for your exceptional leadership and dedication, your unwavering commitment to excellence, and to setting a high standard. Your impact on the base and its personnel is profound.”
Capt(N) Mackenzie expressed his own thanks to an extensive list of individuals and groups as he prepared to step away, including military units and personnel across base, the Halifax Chamber of Commerce and other community groups, attending government officials and his friends and family.
A former submariner and Commanding Officer of His Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Windsor, Capt(N) Mackenzie let his roots show throughout his Change of Command. A large model of a Victoria-class submarine was on prominent display for the event, and Capt(N) Mackenzie joked that he would have preferred to have worn his submarine overalls for the day.
The outgoing Base Commander added that a key priority during his appointment had been to make CFB Halifax “feel more like a submarine,” noting that a submarine crew must rely on excellent teamwork, unity of purpose, and total confidence in their teammates no matter the situation.
Rear-Admiral (RAdm) Josée Kurtz, Commander of Maritime Forces Atlantic and Joint Task Force Atlantic, presided over the ceremony. She referred to Capt(N) Fortin as a “sister” when welcoming the incoming Base Commander, referencing the time the two officers served together aboard HMCS Vancouver earlier in their careers.
“I’m delighted to be working with you again in our new respective responsibilities,” she said.
She added that the new Base Commander was inheriting a solid organization and said Capt(N) Fortin will have an opportunity to build on the positive work that has taken place in recent years.
“Capt(N) Mackenzie’s success is your foundation.”
At the end of the ceremony, the Stadacona Band gave a final nod to Capt(N) Mackenzie as he left with his family, striking up a jaunty version of The Beatles’ Yellow Submarine.