
Meteorological Technician awarded for work with NATO

Meteorological Technician Sgt Caouette was recognized with the Met Tech of the Year Award on January 28, with CFINTCOM Commander MGen Abboud making the presentation alongside members of the HMCS William Hall Command Team. Pictured from left: LCdr Danielle Lapham, MGen Abboud, Sgt Caouette, CWO Lance Dunn, and CPO1 Brent Williamson.

Meteorological Technician awarded for work with NATO 

By Nathan Stone,
Trident Staff 

The ship’s company of His Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) William Hall gathered with special guests from Canadian Forces Intelligence Command (CFINTCOM) to honour Sergeant (Sgt) Pamela Caouette with the Meteorological Technician (Met Tech) of the Year Award on Jan 28. 

Sgt Pamela Caouette (left) received the Met Tech of the Year award from MGen Dave Abboud (right).

Sgt Caouette received the Lieutenant Commander (Retired) Clarke Bedford Award 2024 for her work as a weather forecaster while serving in a multinational meteorological and oceanographic support group alongside NATO allies in Germany. 

The award is presented annually by the Canadian Forces Intelligence Branch, recognizing those who have made significant contributions and achievements to any aspect of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) meteorological support team, or whose actions have reflected well on the Met Tech occupation or the intelligence branch.  

Major-General (MGen) Dave Abboud, Commander CFINTCOM, was on hand to present the award to Sgt Caouette, as she served under CFINTCOM while on deployment.  

MGen Abboud praised Sgt Caouette’s work for going “beyond her rank,” and said that she played a “vital role” in making changes that improved NATO’s meteorological support to its members.  

He added that Sgt Caouette also made an impact at home in Canada, providing valuable help to mentor junior members of the trade. 

“Her constant efforts and perseverance at the Joint Meteorological Centre allowed for the professional and personal development of several junior-ranked meteorological technicians,” MGen Abboud said. 

Sgt Caouette says she was surprised to win the award and described her six-month deployment to Germany as a great learning opportunity. 

She says she loves being a Met Tech and the niche role they play within the CAF.  

“It’s a small trade, but the opportunities are great.” 

2024 marked Sgt Caouette’s tenth year as a Met Tech and her first Navy deployment – aboard HMCS Margaret Brooke on Operation Nanook-Tuugaalik in August.  

Afterward, Sgt Caouette was assigned to William Hall, her current ship. She says that while she’s had opportunities to serve across Canada and abroad, working with the Royal Canadian Navy is “like learning another language.” 

She’s looking forward to continuing with William Hall for as long as the opportunity lasts, adding that there’s a fun benefit to being the Met Tech aboard a ship. 

“I can take credit for nice weather.”