MS Forrester on TRIDENT JUNCTURE: “It’s a good feeling.”
In 2017, MS Nicole Forrester’s son was born. A year later she is deploying on TRIDENT JUNCTURE, the largest NATO co-operative deployment to occur in over three decades involving around 50,000 personnel.
“It is going to be the longest I have been away from my son since he was born, so I find it very difficult,” MS Forrester said.
“Knowing that we are out here serving our country and doing the important job that we are doing, and having my husband, who is a great father, at home with my son, makes it a little bit easier.”
Though life away from family can be difficult at times, MS Forrester is still able to see the positives of her situation. The crew is a source of strength while she is away from her family.
“Being able to bond with the people on the ship is a big help. When you are at sea, they become your family, and we all have people at home that we are missing.”
Travel and education are wonderful advantages of being a member of the Navy, but MS Forrester soon realized it was not the best part.
“When I joined I thought that the best part about being in the RCN would be the travelling and the money,” she said.
“But now, I am beginning to learn it is more about the friendships that you make. Being on a ship with the same group of people for such a long time, you get to know a lot about each other and you do become a family. Those relationships are the most important thing.”
Wanting to see the world is a common motivation for those who choose to enroll in our RCN. MS Forrester shared this motivation, but it was more than just seeing the world that encouraged her to answer the call.
“When I joined, I was able to join a program called the Marine Engineering Technical Training Plan so I was able to stay in my province for two years and have my schooling paid for,” MS Forrester said.
“Having my school paid for, being able to travel and serve my country are the main reasons why I joined the RCN.”
MS Forrester is a Maritime Technician Cert 2 Engineer who is planning on being a Cert 3 Engineer. That promotion would make her the Engineer Officer of the watch, a role requiring leadership and with more responsibility. Being deployed on TRIDENT JUNCTURE is another step toward that goal.
“What I would say to someone considering a career in the RCN would be that it was the best decision I have made in my life. It’s not only a great career but you learn and grow as a person. You serve your country so you are doing your part to make sure Canada is safe. It’s a good feeling.”