Jeff Nolan was recognized on October 13, 2022 by CFB Halifax Base Commander Captain (Navy) Andy MacKenzie for his 40 years spent working as a bartender at the Chiefs’ and Petty Officer’s Mess at CFB Halifax. Jeff also received his official certificate from Canadian Forces Morale and Welfare Services marking the 40 years. Jeff said he’s seen a lot of changes at the mess over the years, including both booming periods and tough times, but that he’s stuck around because he continues to enjoy the job every day. He started in the mess in October of 1982, and said he became a full-time employee the following summer. Capt(N) MacKenzie thanked Jeff for his work, and commented on the importance of the mess and mess employees to military and Navy culture. “It’s always been important for the folks in uniform to have a place to go, whether it’s for a drink or not. It’s a place where people can blow off steam, they can make friendships and get to know their coworkers, and a lot of that is facilitated by people like Jeff. We thank him for all his work.” he said.