Holiday services at CFB Halifax
By Trident Staff
The chaplains of CFB Halifax have invited all members of the local defence community to join them for the annual Christmas Festival of Lessons and Carols, to be held at St. Brendan’s Chapel at Stadacona on December 3, beginning at 2 p.m.
The event is described as a traditional Christmas service composed of nine Scripture readings, Christmas carols, and musical offerings from local musicians, including the Canadian Military Wives Choir of Halifax, soprano singer Adria Jackson, and harpist Kathertine Fitch Loza.
Free-will offerings will be collected in support of the Halifax & Region Military Family Resource Centre Op Dasher campaign.
Menorah Lighting
On December 11 at 1p.m., 12 Wing Shearwater will once again host a Menorah Lightning Ceremony to celebrate Hanukkah. It will take place outside 12 Wing Headquarters at the corner of Bonaventure and Puncher. All are welcome to attend. For more information, contact Steeve.Arseneau@forces.gc.ca