Decorated CAF athlete takes on new challenge with Boston Marathon By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff WO Charlene Arsenault has had a long military sports career, with 15 appearances at the CAF National Hockey Championships, six gold medals, and a spot on the CAF Sports Honour Roll. She isn’t done yet, […]
Other News
HMCS Scotian holds divisions
Members of HMCS Scotian participated in divisions on April 25, 2018. Cdr beth Vallis, CO of Scotian, was presiding officer as personnel received awards and recognition ranging from Canadian Forces Decorations, to Commanding Officer’s Certificates of Commendation.
Team Atlantic at CAF Squash Nationals
Team Atlantic gets good results at CAF Squash Nationals By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff Five CFB Halifax members travelled with Team Atlantic to the 2018 CAF National Squash Championship in Borden from April 29 – May 1, competing well against top military players from around the country. In team competition, […]
Battle of the Atlantic in Bahrain
CAF personnel in Bahrain mark Battle of the Atlantic Sunday By LCdr David Botting, RCN, International Maritime Exercise Planner, USNAVCENT N5, Bahrain On the first Sunday of each May, people all across Canada gather to commemorate those lost at sea during the Battle of the Atlantic. On this day we […]
Nova Scotia Tattoo unveils 2018 lineup
Tattoo for goes extra International for 40th anniversary show By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff The Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo always presents a diverse cast, but for its 40th anniversary show in 2018, they’ve made an effort to be more international than ever before. For the first time ever, acts […]
Prince Albert II of Monaco visits CFB Halifax
His Serene Highness Prince Albert II of Monaco joins RAdm Baines, Commander JTFA and MARLANT, in the inspection of the 50-person Guard of Honour at CFB Halifax during a visit to Halifax on May 8, 2018. The welcoming party included His Honour the Honourable Arthur LeBlanc, Lieutenant Governor of Nova […]
STADPLEX to close in October
STADPLEX to close in October By CFB Halifax After 75 years as a health and physical fitness hub for local military members, their families and the community, CFB Halifax’s Stadacona Fitness, Sports and Recreation Centre (STADPLEX) will permanently close its doors by October 31, 2018. The facility has reached the […]
CFAEP in Halifax
Participants in the Canadian Forces Aboriginal Entry program (CFAEP) participate in an obstacle course as part of activities designed to introduce them to military life. The current CFAEP, based at CFB Halifax, concluded on Friday, May 25, 2018.
Volume 51, Issue 11, May 28, 2018
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HMCS Vancouver in Hong Kong
HMCS Vancouver gives to kids in Hong Kong By SLt Jordan Bornholdt, Assistant Supply Officer, HMCS Vancouver Outreach activities coordinated through organizations which emphasize empowering children to make positive change in their community was a predetermined objective of HMCS Vancouver for Op PROJECTION Indo-Asia-Pacific. During the port visit in Hong […]