Designated lactation spaces support service members and their families By Joanie Veitch, Trident Staff When Lieutenant (Navy) Rudee Gaudet went back to work in September 2021 — a year after the birth of her second child — she knew she wanted to continue breastfeeding. A Public Affairs Officer (PAO) at […]
La chronique de l’aumônier: Quelle est votre mission ?
Padre’s Corner: What is your mission? By Lt(N) Stephen Cogswell 12 Wing Chaplain What is your mission? It could be that one of the most important considerations you’ll give, as you turn the calendar into 2023, is just that; your mission. I know, I know, we’re accustomed to that terminology […]
Le programme Sans limites organise un camp multisport à Halifax
Soldier On hosts Multisport Camp in Halifax By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff Soldier On held its most recent Atlantic Multisport Camp in Halifax recently, with more than 20 serving and retired CAF members participating in a variety of adaptive sports and making connections with peers through the week. But despite […]
Publication du Guide du nouveau système d’évaluation militaire (EPC)
PaCE: Guide to new military evaluation system released By RCN, With the launch of the Canadian Armed Forces’ new Performance and Competency Evaluation (PaCE) system, the Royal Canadian Navy has released administrative instructions regarding PaCE requirements applicable throughout the performance year. At this time, all RCN personnel, including civilians who […]
Un joyeux événement de reconnaissance des bénévoles
A Jolly Volunteer Recognition Event By Angela Duckworth, H&R MFRC The Halifax & Region Military Family Resource Centre (H&R MFRC) and PSP Community Recreation hosted the CANEX Gives Back Volunteer Recognition event on November 30, 2022, at the Neptune Theatre. Volunteers were treated to a magical performance of Elf the […]
Joyeuses Fêtes de la part du Vam Topshee et du PM 1 Lizotte
VAdm Topshee and CPO1 Lizotte send Season’s Greetings to all To all members of the Royal Canadian Navy Team, Chief Petty Officer 1st Class Tom Lizotte and I wish you the very best this holiday season. This past year has been a busy and often challenging one. Despite those […]
Un marin du NCSM Ville de Québec trouve sa récompense en aidant les autres
HMCS Ville de Québec sailor finds reward in helping others By Joanie Veitch, Trident Staff Sailor 1st Class Paul Chan Chow, a naval combat information operator (NCIOP) with HMCS Ville de Québec, recently earned the Canadian Fleet Atlantic Sailor of the Quarter award for his commitment to mentoring junior sailors, […]
Sans peur du feu: l'héritage du premier maître Max Bernays
Undaunted by fire: the legacy of Chief Petty Officer Max Bernays By Lt(N) Anastasiya Karakoy, HMCS Max Bernays UPAR Many of us who have the privilege of living in relative peace and stability find great challenge in appreciating the full magnitude of adversity faced by the generations who came before […]
La PM 2 Lynn Cassidy reçoit une Mention élogieuse de la MRC pour la mise en œuvre de la vaccination contre la COVID-19
CPO2 Lynn Cassidy receives RCN commendation for COVID-19 vaccination rollout By Leah Coughlin, CFB Halifax Public Affairs On November 2, 2022, Chief Petty Officer Second Class (CPO2) Lynn Cassidy received a Commander Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) Commendation for her involvement in both Operation Vector, the Canadian Armed Forces’ support to […]
Message des Fêtes du commandant de la BFC Halifax, le Capv Andy MacKenzie
Greetings, Defence Team. As many of us prepare to leave on holiday break, I would like to share how impressed I am at the level of success, dedication and professionalism our CFB Halifax team has demonstrated in 2022. From the team at King’s Harbour Master that enables our fleet and […]