Padre’s Corner: Life does not need to be perfect to be good By Padre Capt Troy Dennis, Senior Base Chaplain, CFB Halifax As I left the house one morning not long ago, I looked up and noticed a particularly clear sky. I turned slowly to take in the beauty of […]
La foule entend des vérités inconfortables lors d'un événement organisé par la base pour le Mois de l'histoire des Noirs
Crowd hears uncomfortable truths at base Black History Month event By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff Mr. DeRico Symonds made no apologies for the uncomfortable, but necessary, information he was about to share as he took to the podium at Juno Tower. Symonds, a well-known community advocate for racialized and marginalized […]
Greenwood gagne encore l'or du hockey au tournoi régional des vétérans
Greenwood wins more hockey gold at Old Timer’s Regional tournament By Ryan Melanson, Trident staff Another Greenwood hockey team is headed to nationals, after the 14 Wing Bombers squad captured gold at the CAF Atlantic Region Old Timer’s Hockey Championship hosted by 12 Wing Shearwater, downing the CFB Halifax Mariners […]
Le Pm 2 Colley – le capitaine d'armes pionnier du NCSM Scotian
CPO2 Colley – HMCS Scotian’s trailblazing Cox’n By S1 Bill J. Bagunu, HMCS Scotian As HMCS Scotian marked African Heritage Month in Nova Scotia through February, sailors took the opportunity to celebrate the decorated career of Chief Petty Officer 2nd Class Perry Colley, our unit’s former Coxswain, who retired from […]
Les joueurs des Mariners d'hier et d'aujourd'hui font équipe sur le banc de hockey
Mariners players past and present team up on the bench By Sara White, The Aurora Two Mariners, past and present, ran the CFB Halifax bench at the recent women’s hockey regionals, acknowledging action on the tournament ice as “pretty much out of our hands” but confident in their team’s ability. […]
Le processus de transition de la vie militaire à la vie civile (TVMC)
The Military to Civilian Transition (MCT) process By CAF Transition Unit NS/NL The Canadian Armed Forces is reinventing the transition process, and this change is coming to Halifax on March 1, 2023! What exactly is this new MCT process? This new transition process is characterized by using a personalized, professional, […]
Le Canada déploie deux navires de la classe Kingston en Haïti
Canada deploys two Kingston-class ships to Haiti in response to the worsening security crisis By DND, On February 16, the Government of Canada announced the deployment of two Royal Canadian Navy Kingston-class Vessels to Haiti in light of the worsening security crisis in the country. Canada is providing this assistance […]
Le chef de conduite et culture déclare que « la culture, c'est chacun d'entre nous »
Conduct and Culture chief says ‘culture is every one of us’ By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff The command team for the group tasked with leading the Canadian Armed Forces’ cultural transformation was recently in Halifax for workshops, group discussions and town halls with sailors and other local CAF members, while […]
Les Mariners de la BFC Halifax remportent une victoire régionale en hockey féminin
CFB Halifax Mariners take women’s regional hockey win By Sara White, The Lookout The CFB Halifax Mariners went unbeaten through the Canadian Armed Forces Atlantic region women’s hockey tournament February 14 through 16, taking the title – and the rights to represent at CAF nationals in March – in a […]
Événement de conférencier du Mois de l'histoire Noire
Local Defence Team – Please join the MARLANT Defence Visible Minorities Advisory Group (DVMAG) on Thursday, February 23 (1-3 p.m.) for a special Black History Month speaker event at Juno Tower. This event will feature keynote speaker Mr. DeRico Symonds and delve into the historical roots of racism as well as current challenges […]