

Canadian Blood Services at CFB Halifax / La Société canadienne du sang à la BFC Halifax

Canadian Blood Services at CFB Halifax By CFB Halifax Public Affairs On August 22, CFB Halifax and Canadian Blood Services welcomed many Defence Team members who generously donated lifesaving blood in support of patients across Canada. Rayan Sheikhoni – a university student currently working at Base Public Affairs for the summer – […]


New Base Commander Message to the CFB Halifax Community / Message du nouveau commandant de la base à l’équipe de la BFC Halifax 

New Base Commander Message to the CFB Halifax Community  Video Message Hello, local Defence Team members! I’m Capt(N) Andy MacKenzie and it is my honour to be the new commander of CFB Halifax. I look forward to working alongside the great team here and to support our sailors, soldiers, aviators, […]


NATO ships conduct historical ordnance disposal operations off French coast / Des navires de l’OTAN mènent des opérations de neutralisation de munitions historiques au large des côtes françaises

NATO ships conduct historical ordnance disposal operations off French coast By SNMCMG1 Public Affairs Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group 1 (SNMCMG1) conducted historical ordnance disposal operations off the coast of Dieppe, France from August 16 to 24. The operation successfully removed 13 pieces of historical ordnance, reducing risk of mine […]