Navy 10K medals inspired by HMCS Stadacona By PSP Halifax There’s just under two weeks left until hundreds of runners set off from the Stadacona gates for the annual Navy 10K run! It’s the perfect time to register for the race at and ensure you’ll take home one of […]
Leadership numérique de la MRC : Le Lieutenant de vaisseau Bob Mackay
RCN Digital Leadership series: Lieutenant(N) Bob Mackay By Naval Personnel and Training Group In this series, we showcase digital leadership across the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) to illustrate how our enterprise solutions are successfully leveraged for the benefit of our teams. Born and raised in friendly Manitoba, Bob Mackay majored […]
En route vers la santé: Résultats et retour d'information
Health Promotion’s Road to Wellness: Results and feedback By the Health Promotion Team PSP Health Promotion Services just wrapped up their month-long Road to Wellness initiative which aimed to encourage military personnel to discover what types of activities brought them joy outside of their workplace. Throughout the month, participants worked […]
Campagne annuelle pour l’équipe des SkyHawks 2024
Annual augmentation to SkyHawks 2024 team By Lieutenant Rebecca Garand, Canadian Army Doctrine and Training Centre (CADTC) Catch the SkyHawks live later this month! The team will be performing on Wednesday, August 23 at the Shearwater Sports Field. The aerial performance is scheduled for 7 p.m., with a Meet & […]
Le NCSM Fredericton revient de l'opération Réassurance et reçoit la Coupe de l'Amiral
HMCS Fredericton returns from Operation Reassurance, receives Admiral’s Cup By Trident Staff After a successful six-month deployment in the Mediterranean Sea, HMCS Fredericton returned home to Halifax, Nova Scotia on July 28. Fredericton departed in January 2023 under the banner of Operation Reassurance, participating in NATO assurance and deterrence actions […]
NCSM Oriole : 5 questions avec le Ltv Phillipe Noel
HMCS Oriole: 5 questions with Lt(N) Phillipe Noel By Trident Staff His Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Oriole departed Halifax on July 13 to commence its 2023 Great Lakes Deployment, with visits to 13 different communities along the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway planned from July to September. Meet Lieutenant […]
Gens de la BFC Halifax: Le Mat 1 Junhyeong Park
Face of Base: S1 Junhyeong Park By CFB Halifax Public Affairs Originally from South Korea, Sailor 1st Class Junhyeong Park made the journey to Toronto, Ontario, in 2001 before embarking on his military career, ultimately leading him to CFB Halifax in 2019. So far, S1 Park’s impressive career has seen […]
Pour Abbigail: Un marin utilise la musique pour commémorer son amie
‘For Abbigail’: Sailor uses music to commemorate friend lost in Stalker 22 helicopter crash By RCN “This may be the story of one life, this may be the story of a loss,” rings the ballad Lieutenant (Navy) (Lt(N)) Kevin Offord sings. “I have the same dream that you and I […]
Chronique de l'aumônier : Trouver son propre super-héros
Padre’s Corner: Finding your own real superhero By Padre Capt Steeve Arseneau Chaplain, 12 Wing Shearwater Since the beginning of the pandemic back in March 2020, I have seen a lot of movies either at the theatre or on Netflix at home. Like many other people who may think the […]
La 12e escadre Shearwater montre son côté artistique
12 Wing Shearwater shows its artistic side By Trident staff PSP Halifax’s Community Recreation team held its second paint night event on June 22 at 12 Wing Shearwater, with 20 military and civilian participants coming out to meet some colleagues and let out a bit of creativity. PSP Community Recreation […]