

Trinity inaugure un nouvel espace de purification à l'occasion de la Journée nationale pour la vérité et la réconciliation

Trinity unveils new smudging area ahead of National Day for Truth and Reconciliation By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff Since joining the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) in 2019, Sailor 1st Class Grace Assiginack says she’s actively sought ways to incorporate her Indigenous culture into her military career. After careful planning and […]


Clinique de vaccination contre la grippe saisonnière et la COVID-19 2023

Canadian Forces Health Services Centre (Atlantic) Seasonal Influenza and COVID-19 Vaccine Clinics 2023 Flu season is approaching. Routine annual influenza and COVID-19 immunization is strongly recommended for all CAF members, Regular or Reserve, who obtain their usual medical care from Canadian Forces Health Services. Vaccinations are not mandatory; however, they […]


Les navires de patrouille extracôtiers et de l’Arctique : un atout précieux pour protéger les eaux septentrionales du Canada

The Arctic and Offshore Patrol Vessel: a valuable asset in protecting Canada’s Northern waters By RCN In Canada’s North, Arctic Offshore and Patrol Vessels (AOPVs) provide increasing value to the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) and our nation. The vessels provide the opportunity for our navy to become familiar with the […]


Les citrouilles et l'envie

Pumpkins, and feeling the Envy  By the Health Promotion Team Your unit is being challenged! Should you accept this invitation, you will participate in a pumpkin carving contest on October 11 at the Harvest Health Fair, being held at Stadacona building S120. Teams of two representing your unit will have […]