From Frigate to AOPV: Cdr Nicholson takes command of HMCS Harry DeWolf By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff After relinquishing command of His Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) St. John’s on January 16, Commander Jon Nicholson had about 24 hours to decompress before stepping right into his next command, leading the ship’s […]
Gens de la BFC Halifax: Kate Chaput
Face of Base: Kate Chaput By CFB Halifax We are thrilled to introduce our first Face of Base Halifax of 2024: Kate Chaput! Kate works as a Budget Administrator in the Base Comptroller section. In this role she is responsible for reporting Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Halifax’s allocation of funds, […]
Le Canada ouvre la voie à la fabrication de respirateurs mieux adaptés
Canada leads the way in building better fitting respirators By Peter Mallet, The Lookout A made-in-Canada invention is poised to make respirators used in Basic Military Qualification (BMQ) training more inclusive for all Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members. The final testing phase for the C5B respirator occurred at CFB Esquimalt’s […]
Le défi de remise en forme du Nouvel An se poursuit jusqu'au 22 février
New Year’s Fitness Challenge runs until February 22 By PSP Halifax Have you been looking to get in better shape, improve your overall health, or just get moving? Whatever your fitness goals, the Forces in Training New Year’s Fitness Challenge is the perfect way to give yourself a head start. […]
Inauguration du nouveau centre de conditionnement physique et de sports Stadacona
Grand opening for new Stadacona Fitness and Sports Centre By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff CFB Halifax members now have a new fully-equipped gym facility available to them, with the opening of the Stadacona Fitness and Sports Centre taking place on January 8. Located next to the site that previously housed […]
Changement de commandement après une année bien remplie pour le SNMCMG1
Change of Command after busy year for SNMCMG1 By NATO Allied Maritime Command Commander Piotr Bartosewicz of the Polish Navy lauded the personnel that have been under his command, including Canadians aboard His Majesty’s Canadian Ships Summerside and Shawinigan, as he handed over the command of Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures […]
Appel aux recrues canines pour la journée « Amener votre chien au travail »
Calling canine recruits for Bring Your Dog to Work Day By CFB Halifax On January 25, 2024, Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Halifax is hosting its very first Bring Your Dog to Work Day in support of the National Defence Workplace Charitable Campaign (NDWCC)! Rules/Regulations: Supervisor approval required. This is VERY […]
Les nouveaux Halifax Mariners en quête d'une médaille d'or régionale
New-look Halifax Mariners seeking regional hockey gold By Trident Staff Halifax is set to host this year’s Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Atlantic Region Men’s Hockey Championship, and after a disappointing finish last year, the CFB Halifax Mariners are hoping to turn things around with a roster of both new faces […]
L'IMF Cape Scott aide à restaurer un canon historique pour le QGDN de Carling
FMF Cape Scott helps restore historic gun for NDHQ Carling By Gabrielle Brunette, FMF Cape Scott On December 2, 2023, this 3”:-70 caliber historic gun from HMCS Gatineau – restored by Fleet Maintenance Facility Cape Scott – was transported to the National Defence Headquarters in Ottawa, Ontario, where it will […]
Les membres de la base reçoivent une leçon de « confiance en le handicap »
Base members get a lesson in “Disability Confidence” By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff As a person who lives with disabilities, including severe ADHD, Tova Sherman is very familiar with the stigmas surrounding disability, and the difficulties that can arise due to ignorance or misunderstandings. It’s why she and her organization, […]