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Auteur : Le journal du Trident
Le déploiement dans l'Indo-Pacifique est un moment excitant pour la flotte de l'Atlantique
Indo-Pacific deployment an exciting moment for Atlantic Fleet By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff For the first time, east coast ships Royal Canadian Navy are on the way to the Indo-Pacific region for a major deployment. His Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Montréal departed Halifax on March 26 for six months in […]
Les marins sont invités à partager leurs histoires sur la Réserve navale
Sailors invited to share Naval Reserve stories By the Naval Reserve As the Naval Reserve continues to celebrate its centennial year, we are looking for stories and pictures that you may have from your time in the Naval Reserve or from a family member’s time in the Naval Reserve. We […]
Les Mooseheads organisent une soirée de reconnaissance envers le MDN
Mooseheads host DND Appreciation Night By CFB Halifax Public Affairs On Saturday, March 4, the Halifax Mooseheads hockey club hosted a DND Appreciation Night at the Scotiabank Centre. Our Base Commander, Capt(N) ANDY Mackenzie and his son were honoured to take part in the opening ceremony alongside a Canadian Armed Forces […]
Un nouveau groupe de jeunes dirigeants diplômés à Halifax
Les diplômés du cours de Qualification élémentaire en leadership 0523 se sont rassemblés pour une photo de groupe à la suite de la cérémonie de remise des diplômes qui s'est déroulée le 7 mars au bâtiment S120 du hangar d'exercice de Stadacona.. Bravo Zulu à tous les diplômés, y compris le Matc Lyndon Eustache, que l'on voit ici, à qui le Chef de la flotte, le Pm 1 [...]
Histoire du sport : L'entraîneur de baseball reçoit le bouclier Admiral Jones
Sports throwback: Baseball coach receives Admiral Jones Shield By Trident Staff The Admiral Jones shield has been a prestigious sports award in Halifax for more than 75 years, presented to military athletes who contribute the most in conduct, sportsmanship and character to sports programs across the Base and Formation. In […]
Pleins feux sur le NCSM Max Bernays Manœuvre S1 Anna Cocquyt
Sailor Spotlight: HMCS Max Bernays Boatswain S1 Anna Cocquyt By Lt(N) Anastasiya Karakoy, HMCS Max Bernays From the outside looking in, service in the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) may appear highly regimented, with little room for creativity. However, the uniformity of military life often eases to allow for the creation […]
L'OTAN organise l'exercice de guerre anti-sous-marine avancée Dynamic Manta en Italie
NATO holds advanced anti-submarine warfare exercise Dynamic Manta in Italy By NATO MARCOM Public Affairs NATO’s maritime exercise Dynamic Manta 2023 took place off the Sicilian coast through late February and early March. Ships, submarines, aircraft, and personnel from nine Allied nations converged in the Central Mediterranean Sea for the […]
Message du champion du Groupe consultatif des minorités visibles de la Défense des Forces maritimes de l’Atlantique à l’occasion de la Journée internationale pour l’élimination de la discrimination raciale 2023
March 21, 2023 Local Defence Team, Today is the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (IDERD) – an annual commemorative event aimed at addressing racial inequalities, prejudices and injustices; amplifying awareness around the history and lived experiences of racialized communities; and encouraging meaningful conversations and actions around diversity, […]
Volume 57, édition 06, 20 mars 2023
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