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Auteur : Le journal du Trident
Le CCCOS d'Halifax réagit aux inondations en Nouvelle-Écosse
Le Centre conjoint de coordination des opérations de sauvetage (CCCOS) d'Halifax a fourni une mise à jour et des photos concernant les efforts de sauvetage après des précipitations record et des crues soudaines dans la municipalité régionale d'Halifax [...]
Déploiement du NCSM Oriole sur les Grands Lacs en 2023
By SLt Wilson Ho, Public Affairs Officer, HMCS Oriole On July 13, 2023, His Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Oriole departed CFB Halifax and commenced its Great Lakes Deployment. This summer, HMCS Oriole will be visiting communities along the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway, bringing the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) […]
Shearwater accueille un visage familier en tant que nouveau commandant d'escadre
Shearwater welcomes a familiar face as new Wing Commander By Mikela Thoms, Federal Student Work Experience Program (FSWEP) 12 Wing Shearwater has officially welcomed its new Commanding Officer, with Colonel David Holmes stepping into the role on July 11. To mark the occasion, a Change of Command Ceremony took place […]
Le MDN est informé du nombre élevé d'appels à Canada Vie
DND aware of high call volumes at Canada Life By DND Canada Life Assurance Company became the administrator of the Public Service Health Care Plan (PSHCP) on July 1, 2023. The transition from Sun Life to Canada Life is a big undertaking, affecting 1.7 million federal service employees, Canadian Armed […]
Répondez à notre sondage auprès du lectorat sur les nouvelles de la communauté et courez la chance de gagner une carte-cadeau de 100 $!
Participate in our community news readership survey and win a $100 gift card! By CFMWS At CFMWS Community News we are committed to providing you with valuable and engaging content that meets your needs and interests. To better serve you and tailor our offerings accordingly, we are excited to announce […]
Retour sur le sport dans la MRC : Le Capf Miller atteint son apogée en course à pied
RCN Sports Throwback: Cdr Miller reaches his running peak By Trident Staff The Royal Canadian Navy counts a number of dedicated runners among its ranks, and things were no different 35 years ago, when one such athlete was profiled in the June 29, 1988 edition of Trident. Commander Jack Miller […]
Nouveau capitaine d'armes au service logistique de la BFC Halifax
Une cérémonie de changement de nomination a eu lieu le 29 juin à la tour Juno pour le service de logistique de la BFC Halifax, alors que l'unité a accueilli la PM 1 Sherri Lewis (à droite) en tant que nouveau capitaine d'armes. Le capitaine d'armes sortant, le PM 1 Carl Dixon (à gauche) et le commandant de l'unité, la Capitaine de frégate Toni Bri Edmonds, sont également présents.
La promotion de la santé veut vous entendre !
Health Promotion wants to hear from you! By the Health Promotion Team What hurdles are you facing that keep you from living your healthiest life? Health Promotion wants to know! There might be something in it for you too! More than just training programs, our team strives to improve health […]
Dévoilement de la murale du centenaire de la Réserve navale à Québec
Naval Reserve centennial mural unveiled in Quebec By The Lookout staff The Naval Museum of Quebec unveiled a mural to celebrate the centennial of the Naval Reserve on June 16. Developed by the museum, the mural is one of the largest in Canada, at more than 200 metres in length. […]