Operation Projection continues for HMCS Montréal in Indo-Pacific By Trident Staff After departing Halifax in late March, HMCS Montréal continues to operate in the Indo-Pacific in support of Operation Projection, participating in a number of exercises and patrols meant to limit Chinese influence in the region. Montréal has recently been […]
Auteur : Le journal du Trident
Des réservistes de la Marine participent au 80e anniversaire de la bataille de l’Atlantique à Liverpool
Naval Reservists attend 80th Anniversary of the Battle of the Atlantic in Liverpool UK By LCdr Paul Pendergast, Twenty-five Naval Reservists from across Canada gathered in Liverpool in the United Kingdom to represent the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) and observe the 80th anniversary of the Battle of the Atlantic from […]
Le SIB termine la course à relais de 276 km de la piste Cabot
Bravo Zulu aux membres des Services d’information de la base (SIB) pour leur performance lors de la course à relais de la piste Cabot qui a eu lieu récemment sur l’île du Cap-Breton! Avec le soutien du programme d’entrainement des PSP Halifax, l’équipe des SIB (y compris quelques membres d’autres unités) a terminé avec succès la course de 30 heures à laquelle participaient 70 équipes [...]
L'URN Astérix organise une marche pour l'autisme au Japon
NRU Asterix holds Walk Your Way for Autism in Japan By MS Chris Richards, NRU Asterix Regional summer camps, after-school programs, employment outreach, family support services, and post-secondary autism support services are just a few of the programs that Autism Nova Scotia offers to people across the province who are […]
Le Tattoo royal international de la Nouvelle-Écosse débute le 30 juin
Drum roll, please! It’s that time of year again! The Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo will take place from June 30 until July 3 at the Scotiabank Centre in Halifax. CAF musicians, performers and backstage/support staff are important contributors to the Tattoo each year. You can look forward to performances […]
Volume 57, édition 13, 26 juin 2023
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Promouvoir des habitudes durables en matière d'environnement au sein des FMAR(A)
Promoting Environmentally Sustainable Habits within MARLANT By Isaac Ketchum, Environmental Engineering Student, MARLANT Safety and Environment Canadian Environment Week is celebrated every year during the week of June 5th to coincide with United Nations World Environment Day (June 5th). It was created in 1971 to increase Canadians’ awareness of climate […]
Le Capc Blackwood prend le commandement du NCSM Halifax
Le Capitaine de frégate Kyle Redshaw (à gauche), commandant sortant du NCSM Halifax, remet le commandement, avec le pouvoir de signature du Commodore Travis MacLean (au milieu), commandant de la Flotte maritime de l'Atlantique, au Capitaine de corvette April Blackwood (à droite), commandant entrant du NCSM Halifax, à la tour Juno, le 8 juin.
La M 2 Telford s'appuie sur la « détermination de Stoker » pour remporter l'or en Strongwoman
PO2 Telford taps into “Stoker determination” to win Strongwoman gold By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff Though she only started competing in the sport less than a year ago, Petty Officer, 2nd Class (PO2) Ashley Telford is making her name known in the Strongman/Strongwoman community. She recently brought home gold after […]
En route vers la santé: les choses sont en marche
Road to Wellness is well underway! By the Health Promotion Team It’s time for a wild goose chase. If you’ve never heard of either Goosechase or Road to Wellness, you’ve got to get moving…literally! Hosted by PSP Health Promotion until July 12th, Road to Wellness is an initiative aimed at […]