Transition Unit members conduct 160-km relay for Soldier On By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff A group of Halifax-based members of the Canadian Armed Forces Transition Unit NS-NL put themselves to the test over October 25-26, embarking on a 160-kilometre team relay run from Halifax to Greenwood, raising $2,700 for Soldier […]
Auteur : Le journal du Trident
Le Cplc Tzoweh au championnat national d'armes de poing du Canada
MCpl Tzoweh at the Canada National Handgun Championship By MCpl Dani Tzoweh, Canadian Forces National Investigation Service Atlantic Region On the beep, I dropped the basketball and drew my pistol as I launched to the left position. Leaning around some barrels, I shot quick controlled pairs into four targets, carefully […]
Retour de la foire de la santé à la BFC Halifax
Return of the Health Fair at CFB Halifax By the Health Promotion Team On October 11th, PSP Health Promotion hosted a health fair in the drill hall of S120 at Stadacona. This was the first such fair since the pandemic and marked an important step in regaining lost momentum for […]
Concert gratuit du souvenir le 5 novembre
Free Veterans’ Week concert set for November 5 By The Stadacona Band of the Royal Canadian Navy Defence Team members, their families and members of the public are invited to attend The Stadacona Band’s annual Veterans’ Week Concert ‘Our Veterans, Their Stories’ on Sunday, November 5 at 2 p.m. at […]
La Marche commémorative Stalker 22 rend hommage aux membres des FAC tombés au champ d'honneur
Plus de 40 participants se sont lancés sur les sentiers pour la quatrième édition de l'événement annuel de la quatrième marche annuelle à la mémoire de Stalker 22, du lac Porters à Shearwater, a eu lieu le 19 octobre dans le cadre de la Journée des sports des Forces armées canadiennes. L'événement est une collecte de fonds pour le Stalker 22 Memorial Fund, qui assure l'entretien du Stalker 22 Memorial et fournit des fonds pour d'autres initiatives. C'est également [...]
Log B soutient le convoi de camions des Jeux olympiques spéciaux de la Nouvelle- Écosse
On Saturday, October 21, members and volunteers from our Base Logistics (BLog)Transportation, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering (TEME) division participated in the12th annual Special Olympics Nova Scotia Truck Convoy! Commanding Officer of BLog, Cdr Chris Gabriel, addressed event participants in the Shearwater staging area before trucks and other vehicles (including a […]
Le nouvel équipage du NCSM Montréal a son capitaine d'armes
New HMCS Montréal crew gets its Coxn By Trident Staff After returning from a landmark Indo-Pacific deployment on October 3, the first of its kind in many years for the Atlantic Fleet, HMCS Montréal quickly saw a Change of Command and the beginning of a crew swap The new ship’s […]
Promotion de la santé: Horaire d’automne au complet
Health Promotion: Complete fall schedule By the Health Promotion Team Listed below are the remaining courses offered by Health Promotion for the 2023 calendar year. If you are interested in taking a course not offered before the new year, consider booking a briefing for an upcoming PD day. Our calendar […]
Volume 57, édition 22, 30 octobre 2023
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CCMTDN 2023 de la région d’Halifax : Mise à jour de mi-campagne
2023 Halifax Region NDWCC: Mid-Campaign Update By Capt(N) Andy MacKenzie , 2023 Halifax Region NDWCC Champion CFB Halifax Base Commander The 2023 National Defence Workplace Charitable Campaign (NDWCC) is in full force after almost two months of canvassing and fundraising events across the Halifax region. To date, some highlights of the […]