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Auteur : Le journal du Trident
Promotion de la santé: Horaire d’automne au complet
Health Promotion: Complete fall schedule By the Health Promotion Team Listed below are the remaining courses offered by Health Promotion for the 2023 calendar year. If you are interested in taking a course not offered before the new year, consider booking a briefing for an upcoming PD day. Our calendar […]
La Fondation RBC contribue à l'amélioration des services de garde spécialisés au CRFM H&R
RBC Foundation to assist with improvements to specialized child care support at H&R MFRC By the Halifax & Region Military Family Resource Centre The Halifax & Region Military Family Resource Centre (H&R MFRC) is pleased to announce the RBC Foundation has approved a one-year grant of $75,000 directed to our […]
Dans les archives : Torpillé dans l'Atlantique Nord
From the Archives: Torpedoed in the North Atlantic The following is a Trident article written in 1981 by Rear-Admiral Daniel Hanington, a recipient of the Distinguished Service Cross, recounting some of his North Atlantic experiences as a young naval officer during the Second World War, including the sinking of HMS […]
Association navale du Canada : Livres pour les achats de Noël
SALTY DIPS Vol 11 The intent of the Salty Dips series is to educate Canadians, through interviews, stories and reminisces, about their navy’s history as seen through the eyes of those who served. This latest volume in the Salty Dips series mostly focuses on social change in the Canadian Navy […]
L'héritage durable des anciens combattants amputés de guerre canadiens
The Lasting Legacy of Canadian War Amputee Veterans By The War Amps Amid the wars, countless Canadian soldiers and nurses displayed extraordinary bravery and unwavering dedication, putting their lives on the line for our country. Many of these individuals returned home bearing the profound physical and emotional scars of war, […]
Série sur le leadership numérique de la MRC : La M 2 Julie Alonso
RCN Digital Leadership: PO2 Julie Alonso By Naval Personnel and Training Group In this series, we showcase digital leadership across the Royal Canadian Navy to illustrate how our enterprise solutions are successfully leveraged for the benefit of our teams. Originally from the south shore of Montreal, Petty Officer 2nd Class […]
Semaine de la prévention des incendies au QG de la BFC Halifax
Le mardi 10 octobre, les employés du Quartier général de la base ont participé à un exercice d’incendie qui s’est terminé par la lecture de la Proclamation sur la Semaine nationale de la prévention des incendies. La Semaine Pévention Incendies est une campagne annuelle de sensibilisation à l’importance de la sécurité incendie au sein de nos communautés. Un grand merci à l’équipe des Services [...]
La MRC fière: Face Marine, pile Armée
RCN Proud: Heads Navy, tails Army By Vincent Joyce, Pictou County Military Museum Glen Oliver Alexander was born on May 17th, 1943 in Wainwright, Alberta. He joined the Royal Canadian Navy on August 30th, 1960 and served for 15 years. Glen then moved over to the Canadian Army for 11 […]
Une présentation souligne le lien entre Wiliam Hall et Hantsport
Presentation highlights link between Wiliam Hall and Hantsport By MARLANT Public Affairs A special namesake banner was presented from the Hantsport Area Historical Society to the command team of His Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) William Hall, on 19 October 2023. Aubree Brewster, the artist of the banner, helped illustrate the […]