Hosting a safe holiday party By The Health Promotion Team, Have you considered reducing alcohol at your party? Seriously, hear us out… It is the season to celebrate with friends, family, and coworkers. Traditionally, that means copious amounts of alcohol. But it seems the culture has been starting to shift. […]
Auteur : Le journal du Trident
Volume 57, édition 25, 11 décembre 2023
Cliquez sur la page de couverture pour voir la publication
Le flair festif du NCSM Summerside
His Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Summerside was all lit up for the holidays as the ship, along with the Stadacona Band of the Royal Canadian Navy, took part in this year’s Evergreen Festival on the Halifax waterfront on December 10. Summerside was open for public tours during the event, with […]
Marin du trimestre : nouvelles récompenses pour le Mat 1 Duffy
Sailor of the Quarter: More accolades for S1 Duffy By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff Sailor 1st Class (S1) Derek Duffy will soon be stepping away from HMCS Ville de Québec for his next tech course, and if his recent accolades are any indication, he’ll be leaving big shoes to fill […]
Message des Fêtes du commandant de la BFC Halifax
Holiday Message from the CFB Halifax Base Commander, Capt(N) Andy MacKenzie Local Defence Team, As we approach the end of another calendar year, I express my sincere gratitude and admiration for the exceptional dedication, professionalism, and success demonstrated by our CFB Halifax team throughout 2023. The collective achievements of our […]
Semaine de sensibilisation à l'énergie des FMAR(A) 2023
MARLANT Energy Awareness Week 2023 By MARLANT Safety & Environment MARLANT Energy Awareness Week (EAW) took place from November 20-24, 2023. During the week, representatives from MARLANT Safety & Environment and Forces for Energy Efficiency set up informational booths to educate and raise awareness on energy conservation and to highlight […]
Appel aux candidatures pour la Mention élogieuse du Sous-ministre (SM) – Bien être
Calling nominations for the Deputy Minister (DM) Commendations Wellness award By DND Do you know a Defence Team member or Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) member who has significantly improved mental and physical well-being in the workplace? If they’ve had a positive impact on you, it’s your turn to return the […]
Furtivité, létalité, persistance : Le commandant de la MRC parle des sous-marins à Halifax
Stealth, lethality, persistence: Commander RCN talks submarines in Halifax By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff With Canada’s Victoria-class submarines roughly a decade away from the beginning of their decommissioning, the Royal Canadian Navy is tasked with considering the future of the Canadian Submarine Force, as well as explaining the important role […]
L'état de la Marine royale canadienne
The State of the Royal Canadian Navy The following is a transcript of a video released on November 27 by Vice-Admiral Angus Topshee, Commander of the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN). Click here to watch the video message. Colleagues and shipmates, The RCN faces some very serious challenges right now that […]
Chronique de l'aumônier : La vulnérabilité
Padre’s Corner: Vulnerability By LCdr David Jackson Senior Fleet Chaplain, Canadian Fleet Atlantic I recently watched a TED Talk shared by Brené Brown called, “The Power of Vulnerability”. In it, Brown shares a definition of shame as “fear of disconnection.” The idea being that people often struggle with their self-worth […]