CFB Halifax women win silver at CAF nationals By Trident Staff After dominating through the round-robin portion, the CFB Halifax Mariner’s women’s team fell in the finals to CFB Valcartier for a silver-medal win at the 2024 Canadian Armed Forces Women’s National Hockey Championship. The early part of the week […]
Auteur : Le journal du Trident
Des étapes importantes pour un « projet d’envergure »
A “big deal” between significant milestones By Michael McWhinnie, NTG Public Affairs The Canadian Surface Combatant (CSC) is one of the largest and most complex maritime defence projects of our generation. Not only will it deliver the RCN’s future fleet, it will also change the landscape on both coasts by […]
La Musique Stadacona tisse des liens avec ses collègues Kiwis
Stadacona Band forging connections with Kiwi colleagues By Ryan Melanson, Trident staff Originally scuttled in 2020 due to pandemic concerns, a long-planned CANZEX exchange program between the Stadacona Band of the Royal Canadian Navy and the Royal New Zealand Navy (RNZN) Band is now in full swing. Successful exchanges were […]
Greenwood bat la 12e Escadre pour remporter le titre régional des vétérans
Greenwood takes down 12 Wing to win Old Timers’ regional title By Sara White, The Aurora 14 Wing Greenwood’s Old Timers’ Bombers switched out almost half their 2023 Canadian Armed Forces national title-winning roster, but played out a win on home ice in the 2024 Atlantic region tournament February 6 […]
L'exercice Steadfast Defender
Les membres du navire canadien de Sa Majesté (NCSM) Charlottetown ont effectué un exercice de tir d'aptitude à la protection des forces dans la mer Atlantique le 8 février, alors que le navire se préparait à rejoindre les alliés de l'OTAN participant à l'exercice Steadfast Defender 24. La première phase de cet exercice multinational de grande envergure se poursuit jusqu'à la mi-mars et se concentre sur les opérations maritimes [...]
L'IMF Cape Scott remporte le tournoi de basket-ball 3 contre 3
FMF Cape Scott wins 3-on-3 basketball tournament By FMF Cape Scott The team representing Fleet Maintenance Facility (FMF) Cape Scott came in first place during a base 3-on-3 basketball tournament this past November. The event was part of the MEGA Sports, a friendly competition between various MARLANT units, encompassing all […]
Le mois de la psychologie : Les psychologues du MDN au service des membres des FAC
Psychology Month: DND Psychologists serving CAF Members By Chimène Jewer, M.Sc., R.Psych, Psychologist, General Mental Health Canadian Forces Health Services Centre (Atlantic) February is Psychology Month, which is a great opportunity to highlight the role and contributions of DND psychologists serving CAF members across CFB Halifax as well as those […]
Volume 58, édition 04, 19 février 2024
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Soutenir le service silencieux
Supporting the Silent Service By the Canadian Submarine Force Napolean famously said: “The amateurs discuss tactics: the professionals discuss logistics.” While perhaps simplistic, the view that logistics are ignored only at one’s peril is widely accepted. Small but mighty, submarines do not have the space for additional supplies. They […]
Assurer la sécurité de la BFC Halifax
À l’occasion de la Semaine de sensibilisation à la sécurité, nous avons organisé une journée de perfectionnement professionnel (PP) à la tour Juno le 7 février à l’intention des superviseurs de la sécurité des unités (SSU) ou des membres de L’Équipe de la Défense locale concernés par la sécurité ou ayant un rôle à jouer [...]