Naval Reservist named CISM Military Female Athlete of the Year
By Trident Staff,

HMCS York sailor and three-time world taekwondo champion AB Yvette Yong has added to her already-long list of accomplishments and accolades in the sport, recently being named the 2018 International Military Female Athlete of the Year by the Conseil International du Sport Militaire (CISM).
This marks the first time a CAF member has been named Athlete of the Year by CISM, which is the world’s largest multi-sport military organization, with 134 member countries. The award is presented in recognition of significant sporting achievement, along with the promotion of CISM values like fair play, personal empathy, and discipline. AB Yong has been practicing Taekwondo for nearly 20 years, and has been competing internationally since 2004. She joined the RCN in 2010 and is currently a Naval Communicator, along with performing other regular duties at York, which is the Naval Reserve Division in Toronto.
“I am truly honoured to be announced CISM Female Athlete of the Year. This is a win for all of us (CAF Taekwondo Team and CFMWS) because of all of the support and organization, we made it all happen as a team. I’m so proud for us,” AB Yong said in a DND press release after receiving the award.
To achieve her current ranking as the world’s best in her weight class, AB Yong’s past year included gold medal wins at the CISM Taekwondo Championships, Pan American Championships, Belgium Open and German Open, silver medal wins at the Pan American Open and WT President’s Cup, as well as a bronze medal win at the U.S. Open.
“While upholding her commitment to serving her country, Able Seaman Yong embodies the spirit of our military in her sport: discipline, determination, perseverance, and strength. Through her accomplishments, she leads by example and is an inspiration to all members of the Canadian Armed Forces. We congratulate her on her award and thank her for her contribution to Canada’s defence and security,” said BGen Derek Macaulay, who is the Commander of 5th Canadian Division as well as Patron for the CAF Taekwondo Program.
And after reaching new heights in Taekwondo last year, AB Yong isn’t taking a break. She recently competed the Dominican Republic to qualify for a spot at the 2019 Pan American Games in Peru this summer, and also has her sights set on qualifying for the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo.