
Briefings with the Halifax & Region Military Family Resource Centre 

Briefings with the Halifax & Region Military Family Resource Centre 

By Don MacGillivray,

The Halifax & Region Military Family Resource Centre (H&R MFRC) works tirelessly to provide military families impactful programming and services, and one of the best ways to learn about them is at a briefing!  

During a briefing, we provide details on the H&R MFRC, the types of programs and services offered, and more importantly, how people can benefit from these services. For example, did you know we have a food pantry? Or that we provide Occasional & Respite Child Care Tuesday to Friday, and every second weekend? These are the types of warm services we offer that can make a real difference in the day to day lives of your unit’s members and their families. 

“We often hear ‘I wish I had known this sooner’ from families seeking support during difficult times. Briefings are one vital way our team can share how we support families through absences, transitions and relocation.” –  Kara MacNeil, H&R MFRC Director of Learning, Engagement, and Evaluation 

We know firsthand that everyone can benefit from a briefing – be it new recruits, Commanding Officers in leadership positions supporting their members, or unit members supporting each other. We’re here to help add those additional supports, and if we don’t offer what you need, you’re going to know exactly where and how to get it by the time you walk out of our doors. 

“Each unit and trade is unique, as are the service requirements that impact our members and their loved ones. Participating as a unit in annual briefings offered by the incredible staff at the MFRC is a tangible way in which we can better support each other by equipping members with knowledge of available resources. It is also a good opportunity to share with the MFRC the ever-changing needs of our members and their desired supports. The MFRC staff offer a wide variety of engaging presentations and topics in their briefings, and by engaging Unit Family Representatives, customize the briefings to your unit’s needs. We look forward to these casual, fun, and informative briefings every year.” – PO1 Charmaine Chaddock, Strategic Outreach Manager, The Stadacona Band of the Royal Canadian Navy  

Short on time? That’s okay – we’re flexible! Briefings are typically 30 minutes followed by a Q&A session, but we can tailor briefings to accommodate a unit/organization’s schedule and timelines.  

We encourage units/organizations to book briefing requests by providing as much advance notice as possible so we can reserve the date and time. A member of the H&R MFRC staff will travel directly to your unit to conduct these briefings or deliver them virtually, depending on your request. We also travel outside the Halifax Regional Municipality and are available to support Reserve units on nights and weekends. Briefings can be delivered to large or small audiences. 

We encourage units to request a briefing from your local MFRC. We would also love to encourage you to come visit us! Our team is made up of many long-serving staff, as well as veterans who have lived the military life. 

Come see us, we have 3 locations: 

  1. Halifax Site – Winsor Park: 6393 Homefire Crescent 
  1. Shearwater Site – Hampton Gray Memorial Building: 30 Provider Road 
  1. Sydney, Cape Breton Site – Sydney Garrison: 1 Desbarres Street, Victoria Park 

For more information about briefings, or to book a briefing for your group, visit: