
Base Logistics supports the Special Olympics Nova Scotia Truck Convoy 

Members of CFB Halifax BLog were on hand to support the Big Rigs, Big Hearts, Big Results Truck Convoy in support of Special Olympics Nova Scotia on September 21.

Base Logistics supports the Special Olympics Nova Scotia Truck Convoy 

By Capt L. Cserhazi and CFB Halifax Public Affairs


Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Halifax’s Base Logistics (BLog) Transport, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering (TEME) Division proudly supported the 13th Annual Truck Convoy on Saturday, September 21, an event that united Nova Scotia community members in support of Special Olympics Nova Scotia. This year’s convoy built upon the success of previous years, showcasing the strength of collaboration and community spirit. The convoy route began in Shearwater in a participant staging area hosted by TEME. 

During an opening ceremony in Shearwater, Commander (Cdr) Galeung Lau, BLog’s Commanding Officer, expressed his enthusiasm for the event. “It is truly an honour to be involved in the 13th Annual Truck Convoy.” He emphasized BLog’s pride in raising awareness of Special Olympics Nova Scotia and highlighted the essential role that skilled professional drivers play in Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) daily operations. 

The BLog branch is one of five operational branches within CFB Halifax and is the largest CAF logistics unit in Canada. The BLog team provides a variety of logistical support services to Maritime Forces Atlantic and local lodger units including warehousing, contracting, transportation services, tool services, vehicle and equipment maintenance, and logistical support for operations and exercises.  

BLog has supported Special Olympics Nova Scotia many times over the years through the annual truck convoy and other special events. “Our Defence Team members deeply value the impactful work that Special Olympics Nova Scotia does to enhance the lives of athletes through sport,” notes Cdr Lau. This sentiment reflects a shared commitment to fostering an active lifestyle and celebrating the spirit of competition among all participants. 

While the Truck Convoy for Special Olympics happens across North America, Special Olympics Nova Scotia notes that the Nova Scotia event continues to be the #1 initiative on the continent for dollars raised and number of vehicles. It is an event that BLog looks forward to each fall. 

In addition to hosting the staging area necessary for such an event, BLog drives one truck and one bus in the convoy itself. This year saw 19 volunteers made up of BLog personnel and family members to ensure that the event staging area ran as smoothly as possible.  

Special Olympics Nova Scotia is thankful to BLog for their continued support of this event. “Now in our 13th year supported by CFB Halifax Base Logistics, the Big Rigs, Big Hearts, Big Results Truck Convoy has become our marquee fundraiser,” says Michael Greek, CEO of Special Olympics Nova Scotia. “Their support provides us with the facilities and expertise at the event’s staging area. It allows us to engage our athletes with Canadian Armed Forces personnel, and funds raised go directly to our training and competition throughout the year.” As Greek says “We couldn’t do it without CFB Halifax and our friends at TEME.” 

In reflecting on the 2024 event, BLog leadership and volunteers were grateful for the chance to contribute and are looking forward to supporting Special Olympics Nova Scotia again next year. They felt the convoy not only showcased the camaraderie among different sectors of the community but was also a testament to the unwavering support for athletes striving to achieve their dreams.