Base Commander’s Bike Ride set for July 29
By Trident Staff,
CFB Halifax’s Base Commander, Capt (N) Sean Williams, is inviting all members of the local defence community to a special recreational bike ride – starting from 12 Wing Shearwater – on July 29 at 10 a.m.
The Base Commander’s Bike Ride will include the Shearwater Flyer trail and connecting Salt Marsh trail, with 6km, 15km, and 30km distance options that participants can choose from. The route will be similar to the Navy Bike Ride event that took place in previous years. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the official 2021 Navy Bike Ride event is happening virtually, and riders who come out on July 29 are encouraged to track their rides at http://NavyBikeRide.ca.
Register for the Base Commander’s Bike Ride is free and open to all military members, families, and DND civilians. Email registration information, including your name, phone, email, preferred distance and unit, to Ben.Logtenberg@forces.gc.ca or register at https://www.cafconnection.ca/Halifax/In-My-Community/Special-Events/Base-Commander-s-Bike-Ride.aspx