Sports throwback: First national soccer title for CFB Halifax
Par Ryan Melanson,
L’équipe du Trident
The 1993 Canadian Armed Forces soccer season saw CFB Halifax field an exceptionally strong team, with a roster of young officers leading the base to victory at the CAF National Championship. According to then WO Frank Brake, who played on the team and wrote about the tournament for Trident, the win marked the first time a CFB Halifax team had ever captured a national soccer title.
The games were held in the fall of 1993 in St-Jean, Quebec. CFB Halifax averaged four goals a game through six games, including a 7-0 white washing over rivals from Esquimalt in the semi-final. Their only flaw on the run to the championship was a loss to a hard-working CFB Winnipeg team in round robin play. Halifax was also forced to extra time in the final against the same Winnipeg team, winning on a goal by Capt Blair Baker for a final score of 3-2.
The leading scorer of the tournament was SLt Phil Johnston, who scored nine goals in six games, including two in the final. The team was augmented by Lt(N) Chris Sutherland from HMCS Iroquois and Capt Mark Bradley from 14 Wing Greenwood, who each contributed significantly to the championship win.
Other team members included MS Duncan Elbourne, WO Frank Brake, OS Ben St. Germain, Lieutenants (Navy) Karl Seidenz, Ted Bennet, Simon Page, Shawn McWilliams and Eric Michaud, Sub-Lieutenants Steve Harrison, Phil Johnston and Tom Kalhous, Captains Blair Baker and Mark Brady, Cpl Ray Robson, and Petty Officers 2nd Class Llloyd Hillier and Bill Hom.