Ryder Cup-style event set for July 19-20 at Hartlen Point Golf Club
Par Joanie Veitch,
Équipe du trident
Drawing Inspiration from the biennial Ryder Cup golf competition between Europe and the United States, PSP Halifax has planned a mini-version, with teams drawn from both sides of the harbour — CFB Halifax and 12 Wing Shearwater — for a fun and friendly competition.
While PSP Halifax usually runs an annual tournament with teams from around the region — Gagetown, 14 Wing Greenwood, CFB Halifax, 9 Wing Gander and 12 Wing Shearwater — with changing COVID-19 pandemic restrictions earlier in the year, it was hard to know what to plan, said Isaac Habib, coordinator of the event for PSP Halifax. “Unlike most sports though, golf allows for easy physical distancing so we figured this would work.”
Last year PSP ran a similar format event and the Halifax side won, Habib said.
Scheduled for July 19 and 20 at Hartlen Point Golf Club, the two-day event will see a best ball format (known as fourball in the actual Ryder Cup) with two-person teams on the first day, as well as a singles match being played simultaneously, and a two-person scramble on the second day. Scramble format involves two-person teams, where each player on the team hits a tee shot, and then the players decide which shot they like better, Habib explained. “Once the spot is selected, both players then play a shot from that spot, and again pick which one they like better.”
Although registration numbers are low, Habib said he’s happy to be planning a live event again.
“The goal is just to get people out and have some fun.”
And, of course, bragging rights for whichever side wins.