Name: Tammie Barriage
Hometown: Kingston, Ontario
PSP Employee since: April 2011
What inspired you to pursue a career focused on fitness?
Growing up, I played basketball competitively and wanted to become a professional athlete at one point. Knowing that I also wanted to go to University, I found the Kinesiology program at McMaster and realised that was the program for me. I think it is somewhat of a common trend for a lot of us who continued to pursue athletics in our adult years, especially at the high performance level, to want to carry that over into a career.
What do you enjoy about working in the CAF/DND environment?
Over my career so far within this environment, I have had the opportunity to really learn about and even experience some of the demands that go along with being in the CAF. Having had the opportunity to sail on one of the ships on an Op Carribe was such an eye-opening experience into how the Navy works. It has definitely pushed me to learn how to adapt and get creative, as well as see the importance of a healthy and active lifestyle as it relates to job performance. Working in this environment is so much more than just teaching classes at a gym, and I appreciate the professionalism and growth opportunities it can bring.
What are some of the challenges that come with the job?
Along the lines of adaptability, this job means almost always having to adapt. Our schedule can change at any time, a task can come up that needs to be done on short notice or sometimes units may not even show up due to being tasked elsewhere. It is a very unique environment that we are a part of, but it is definitely always interesting!
What kind of exercise or sports do you enjoy in your free time?
I have always been a basketball player but have become more into running over the last few years.
What are your tips for staying fit while spending more time at home and practicing social distancing?
Now is the perfect time to try something new. It is so important to try and establish some kind of physical and mental outlet, if you don’t have one already or the one you are used to requires going somewhere that is closed right now. Movement is key for all of us, so it is all about finding the movement that works for you, whether it is 20 minutes of bodyweight strength exercises, a 10-minute yoga session in your living room, or even longer walks with your dog.
Tell us something unique about yourself outside of your job (hobbies, special interests, etc.)
This past year I became the Assistant Basketball Coach for our Dartmouth, NS Special Olympics Basketball Team and it has been such an amazing experience, I feel so grateful to have this opportunity to be involved with this team.