When Assiniboine brought word processing to the RCN By Don Sheridan, with CPO1(Ret’d) Bruce Cake, and CPO1 (Ret’d) John Arsenault In this article we are celebrating an innovation in the Royal Canadian Navy that started specifically on HMCS Assiniboine – when the ship’s office trialed a Canadian word processing system […]
Other News
Memorial Concert / Concert commémoratif
The Stadacona Band of the Royal Canadian Navy is performing the Battle of the Atlantic Memorial Concert at the Spatz Theatre in Halifax at 7pm, Thursday 5 May 2022. After two years of online performances, the Stadacona Band is proud to bring this annual FREE commemorative event back to live […]
Raising a glass to HMCS Halifax
Raising a glass to HMCS Halifax: Brewer supplies frigate with its own special brew By Joanie Veitch, Trident Staff When Her Majesty’s Canadian Ship Halifax left Halifax on March 19 to join Standing NATO Maritime Group 1 in northern Europe, the ship’s crew had a little something extra onboard — […]
Halifax Mariners return to the ice
Halifax Mariners return to the ice at Vince Ryan Memorial Hockey Tournament By Capt Dawn Macauley, The last Canadian Armed Forces Women’s Hockey National Championship game was played on March 13, 2020; just as the COVID-19 pandemic was arriving in Canada. This point in history has impacted countless aspects of […]
Padre’s Corner: Looking Forward as We Commemorate the Past
Padre’s Corner: Looking Forward as We Commemorate the Past By Padre Capt (Rabbi Dr) Noteh Glogauer, Fleet Chaplain Every year, the first Sunday in May is set aside to commemorate the sacrifice of those who served in the Royal Canadian Navy, the Royal Canadian Air Force, and the Canadian Merchant […]
HMCS Harry DeWolf readies for Operation Caribbe
Crewmembers come alongside HMCS Harry DeWolf during a person-overboard drill while on route to participate in Operation Caribbe on April 5. The ship left Halifax on April 4, and soon afterward joined United States Coast Guard partners in the South-Eastern Pacific to contribute to counter-narcotic activities.
Change of Command for CAF Transition Group
Canadian Armed Forces Transition Group Nova Scotia/Newfoundland’s Outgoing Commanding Officer, Commander Helga Budden (left), Brigadier-General Dyrald Cross (centre), and Incoming Commanding Officer, Lieutenant-Colonel Ross Bonnell, prepare to sign certificates during a Change of Command Ceremony held at the Juno Tower Bridge on April 7.
Future HMCS Max Bernays badge unveiled
Future HMCS Max Bernays badge unveiled By Joanie Veitch, Trident Staff The unveiling of a ship’s badge is an important step in the timeline of that vessel — for the future HMCS Max Bernays it also marks a milestone in the Arctic Offshore Patrol Ship (AOPS) program. “This is an […]
Happy 75th, HMCS Scotian!
The ship’s company of the stone frigate HMCS Scotian, Halifax’s Naval Reserve Division, formed up for a photograph on March 30 ahead of their upcoming 75th anniversary celebrations. Scotian will hold a gala dinner for current and former members at the Delta Halifax Hotel on April 23.
Honours and Awards at 406 Squadron
An Honours and Awards ceremony for 406 Squadron was held at the 12 Wing Aviation Museum on April 8, 2022. Here, Cpl Krystel Gèlinas and Corporal Jonathan Vincent were each presented with a Lynx of the Quarter award by Lieutenant Colonel David Ferris and Chief Warrant Officer Charles Paquette. […]