Other News

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Le commandant du SNMCMG1 visite le NCSM Shawinigan

HMCS Shawinigan and HMCS Summerside are continuing their Operation Reassurance deployment with Standing Nato Mine Countermeasures Group 1 (SNMCMG1), where they recently took part in historic ordnance disposal operations in French territorial waters. During these operations, Shawinigan welcomed current SNMCMG1 Commander, Cdr Piotr Bartosewicz of the Polish Navy, for a […]


Trinity inaugure un nouvel espace de purification à l'occasion de la Journée nationale pour la vérité et la réconciliation

Trinity unveils new smudging area ahead of National Day for Truth and Reconciliation By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff Since joining the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) in 2019, Sailor 1st Class Grace Assiginack says she’s actively sought ways to incorporate her Indigenous culture into her military career. After careful planning and […]