DND received the Community Spirit Award at the United Way Halifax annual general meeting on May 22. This award, presented annually, pays tribute to extraordinary commitment and leadership to the community made by an individual or organization. United Way Halifax recognized DND for its service within the community in 2017, […]
Other News
Operation OPEN SPIRIT 2018
The art of minesweeping: Op OPEN SPIRIT 2018 By Capt Matt Zalot, Op OPEN SPIRIT 2018 PAO During the First and Second World Wars, hundreds of thousands of naval mines were laid by military forces in the Baltic Sea, and in waters around the world. It was a tool to […]
CLaS program takes guests to Sable Island
Sable Island trip a highlight for special guests aboard HMCS Halifax By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff The Canadian Leaders at Sea program (CLaS) routinely offers unforgettable naval experiences to influential civilians from a variety of different backgrounds, and the program’s latest outing was no different. This time, however, as HMCS […]
Volume 51, Issue 12, June 11, 2018
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HMCS Windsor Change of Command
A Change of Command ceremony for HMCS Windsor on June 3 saw LCdr Drew Matheson (left) assume command of the submarine from outgoing Commanding Officer Cdr Peter Chu (right). The small ceremony took place while alongside in Cadiz, Spain. Windsor has spent the last five months operating at sea.
Piece of RCN history donated to Naval Museum
Piece of RCN history has new home at Naval Museum By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff An original painting created by one of Canada’s most well known Naval artists now has a permanent home at Stadacona’s Naval Museum of Halifax. Titled Fresh Snow. Bellot Straits, NWT, the piece by Cdr Anthony […]
Shearwater Yacht Club kicks off 2018 season
Shearwater Yacht Club sets sail for the summer By LCdr Patrice Deschenes, Shearwater Yacht Club Commodore Metro’s friendliest sailing club, The Shearwater Yacht Club (SYC), had its annual Spring Meet and Greet for members and guests Friday May 11 at the club house in Shearwater. […]
Battle of the Atlantic ceremony at sea
CPO1 Darcy Burd (left) Coxn HMCS St John’s, and Cdr Gord Noseworthy (right), Commanding Officer HMCS St. John’s, salute the wreaths as part of the Battle Of The Atlantic ceremony during Op REASSURANCE while alongside Liverpool, United Kingdom on May 6, 2018.
New fleet chief for CANFLTLANT
Change of appointment brings new Fleet Chief to CANFLTLANT By Virginia Beaton, Trident Staff During a Change of Appointment ceremony on Thursday May 10, Fleet Chief Petty Officer CPO1 Dan Mercier, who is retiring from the RCN, was succeeded by CPO1 Tim Blonde. During the ceremony, which was held in […]
Commander of Royal New Zealand Navy visits MARLANT
VAdm Ron Lloyd, Commander Royal Canadian Navy, and RAdm Craig Baines, Commander MARLANT and JTFA, host RAdm J. Martin, Commander Royal New Zealand Navy for a bilateral meeting to discuss topics of mutual interest and conduct RCN site tours at during a visit to MARLANT on May 15, 2018. From […]