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Other News
Volume 58, édition 09, 29 avril 2024
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Le marin du trimestre donne un exemple remarquable
Sailor of the Quarter sets a “remarkable example” By Nathan Stone, Trident Staff There was no shortage of accolades for Sailor 1st Class (S1) Raven Night as she was awarded Sailor of the Quarter for her volunteerism and hard work — both in and out of uniform. S1 Night is […]
Le GOTM reste à l'affût
Les membres du Groupe des opérations tactiques maritimes (GOTM) se sont récemment entraînés à différents endroits de la BFC Halifax. On les voit ici pendant des exercices avancés d'arraisonnement et d'interdiction maritime à bord du NCSM William Hall, le 18 avril.
Deux frères capitaines d’armes encadrent les prochains dirigeants
Coxswain brothers mentor future leaders By RCN With a collective 52 years of service, Joe and Dan Dagenais are a perfect example of family ties and dedication as Chief Petty Officer 1st Class Coxswains in the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN). Younger brother Joe began his service in 1994. Motivated by […]
Le NCSM Margaret Brooke reprend la mer
Pour la deuxième fois cette année, le navire canadien de Sa Majesté (NCSM) Margaret Brooke a quitté Halifax pour rejoindre l'opération Caribbe, la mission antidrogue dirigée par les États-Unis dans la mer des Caraïbes et l'océan Atlantique. Le navire est parti le 18 avril pour un déploiement de neuf semaines, qui comprendra la participation [...]
Le programme d'escalade de l'arsenal de la marine atteint de nouveaux sommets
Dockyard rock climbing program reaching new heights By Nathan Stone, Trident Staff A unique workday exercise program is gaining popularity at the Fleet Fitness and Sport Centre at His Majesty’s Canadian (HMC) Dockyard. Three days a week, rock climbers of all skill levels meet up to ascend the gym’s large […]
Chronique de l'aumônier : Comment nous souvenons-nous ?
Padre’s Corner: How do we remember? By Capt Meg Nicholls Chaplain, CFB Halifax Throughout the year there are many moments which cause us to stop and give our attention to what has passed. From events like the death of a loved one or the anniversary of a personal tragedy, to […]
La campagne de lutte contre la pauvreté menstruelle se déroulera en mai
Campaign to combat period poverty runs through May By Kim Roberge Civilian Co Chair, DWAO Halifax CFB Halifax, 12 Wing Shearwater and the Defence Women’s Advisory Organization have kicked off their annual Period Poverty Drive in support of Feed Nova Scotia. Each May, in recognition of Menstrual Hygiene Month (May […]
La communauté de l'aviation maritime souligne le centenaire de l'ARC
Maritime aviation community marks RCAF centennial By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff While the evening of April 11 was all about celebrating 100 years of the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) at 12 Wing Shearwater, the event’s keynote speaker also found time to honour the RCAF’s long-time partner in maritime aviation, […]