Other News


Tisser des liens près de l'Antarctique : le NCSM Margaret Brooke rencontre des alliés argentins

Forging Antarctic ties: HMCS Margaret Brooke meets with Argentinian allies While alongside Buenos Aires, Argentina in early February as part of an ongoing Operation Projection – South America deployment, members of His Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Margaret Brooke met with staff at the Argentine Joint Antarctic Command (Comando Conjunto Antártico), […]


Séances d'information avec le Centre de ressources pour les familles des militaires d’Halifax et régions 

Briefings with the Halifax & Region Military Family Resource Centre  By Don MacGillivray, H&R MFRC    The Halifax & Region Military Family Resource Centre (H&R MFRC) works tirelessly to provide military families impactful programming and services, and one of the best ways to learn about them is at a briefing!   During […]