NDWCC update
By Margaret Conway,
CFB Halifax A/PAO
It’s hard to believe that we’re nearing the conclusion of the fall 2018 campaign season. Our NDWCC canvassers have been hard at work visiting all Base and MARLANT units and ships within the Formation, and individual units have been busy planning and executing a wide variety of events, bake sales and raffles all in support of the campaign. But we’re not finished yet! The following events and raffles will take place in the coming weeks.
Upcoming NDWCC events and raffle draws
- Base Information Services Escape Room (November 28 – December 11)
- Hutch & Buffet Raffle (draw date of November 30)
- MARLANT HQ Curling Bonspiel & Winter Cook-off (December 6)
- Campus Atlantic Halifax Mooseheads Game Night Raffle (draw date of December 10)
Visit the MARLANT NDWCC website for more information on these upcoming events and raffles: http://halifax.mil.ca/NDWCC/index-fr.html
- The NDWCC Chase the Ace lottery is ongoing, with a card drawn every Friday. After a card is drawn, all tickets purchased that week are discarded, so you need to purchase tickets every week for your chance to win.
- The 50/50 will be drawn only once. That draw will take place on December 14.
Every unit in the Formation has an NDWCC representative who can be contacted if a member is interested in purchasing Chase the Ace or 50/50 tickets. If you don’t know who your unit representative is, please contact 2Lt Plourde-Fleury at Nicolas.Plourde-Fleury@forces.gc.ca. Chase the Ace and 50/50 tickets can also be purchased at the following locations:
- Mondays: New Wave Café, 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
- Tuesdays: MOG5 Galley, 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 pm
- Wednesdays: Tribute Mess/Galley, 11:30 am – 12:30 p.m.
- Thursdays: Juno Galley, 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Many thanks to all who have supported the campaign so far by donating their money or time or by attending NDWCC events. Let’s make these last few weeks count.