Meet your PSP Fitness and Sports staff: Kevin DeLong
Par Ryan Melanson,
L’équipe du Trident
Kevin DeLong has been a member of the PSP Halifax since its inception, and as the current Fitness and Sports Manager at the Fleet Fitness, Sports and Recreation Centre, he plays a big role in ensuring sailors have the services they need.
DeLong began his CAF career when he joined the RCN in 1977, quickly becoming a Physical Education and Recreation Instructor (PERI) until the branch was disbanded in 1997 and he transitioned to a civilian role with PSP.
He said the job was a great fit for someone passionate about sports and physical activity. DeLong was an accomplished gymnast during his younger years and was active in sports as a CAF member as well. Hockey was his speciality, and he played on a number of CAF National Championship winning teams. He’s also served as a coach and official over the years, for both men’s and women’s teams on base and in the civilian world.
“And I still play. I’ve been taking some time off but I still get out there and I’m playing with the kids on my street every chance I get,” he said.
In his current role at the Dockyard, DeLong looks after the finances and overall operations at the gym, along with other duties. He also recently took over duties as the overall Sports Manager for the Atlantic Region, adding a new set of responsibilities.
After nearly four decades in the CAF fitness and sports world, DeLong said he’s learned to roll with the many changes, and he stays focused on the goal of serving the men and women of the RCN and CAF in the best way possible.
“The big thing is we have to be flexible. It’s all a part of what we’re here for, which is to serve the guys and girls wearing the uniform.”
It’s a job he said he’s been grateful to have over the years, one that’s allowed him to meet thousands of interesting people and opened him up to exciting opportunities, from windsurfing in Puerto Rico as a young PERI to getting to travel to different CAF sporting events today in his role as a manager.
And when he’s not found at the gym, DeLong said he’s always got a number of things on the go to keep him busy. He’s a musician in his free time, and while his two daughters have left the region for Alberta, he and his wife spend as much time as they can at their summer house in Amherst. You might find him out on his speedboat or waterskiing, or just working on the house, where he said “I swing a hammer pretty much every minute I’m able to.”
DeLong said he’s looking forward to continuing to improve PSP services in any way he can, and also shouted out current MARLANT and Base leadership for being so supportive of PSP programs.
“We’ve got phenomenal leadership right now who have allowed us to change the way we do business in some ways, which is leading to better programs for the troops.”