Le 15 septembre, le volley-ball était à l'honneur à la 12e Escadre Shearwater. Des unités de toute l'escadre se sont réunies au centre de conditionnement physique et de sports pour une compétition amicale. Le commandant du 12e Escadron de soutien aux opérations, le Lcol Paul Malone, a donné le coup d'envoi avec un service d'ouverture cérémoniel, et un tournoi à l'échelle de l'escadre s'est déroulé tout [...]
La M 2 Telford remporte une nouvelle fois l'or
PO2 Telford brings home the gold once again By Gabrielle Brunette, Fleet Maintenance Facility Cape Scott Petty Officer, 2nd Class (PO2) Ashley Telford started competing in Strongman/Strongwoman competitions less than a year ago. Since then, she has secured gold medals at both New Brunswick and Nova Scotia’s Strongest competitions, and […]
Un instructeur de l'EN(A) est « rempli de fierté » après avoir joué un rôle dans les Jeux indigènes
NFS(A) instructor was “filled with pride” after role with Indigenous Games By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff A local sailor says he was left feeling proud of his heritage, culture, and his military career after being tasked to carry the DND/CAF Eagle Staff during the opening ceremonies of the recent North […]
Retour sur le sport dans la MRC : Le Capf Miller atteint son apogée en course à pied
RCN Sports Throwback: Cdr Miller reaches his running peak By Trident Staff The Royal Canadian Navy counts a number of dedicated runners among its ranks, and things were no different 35 years ago, when one such athlete was profiled in the June 29, 1988 edition of Trident. Commander Jack Miller […]
Les HFX Wanderers marchent vers la victoire au match de reconnaissance du MDN
HFX Wanderers march to victory at DND Appreciation Match By CFB Halifax Public Affairs The HFX Wanderers DND Appreciation Match took place on Saturday, June 10, and it was an absolute blast! The Match included amazing performances by the Stadacona Band and 12 Wing Pipes and Drums Shearwater bands, a […]
Faire de l'exercice une médecine : Le parcours de remise en forme du M 2 Zachary Leger
Using Exercise as Medicine: PO2 Zachary Leger’s fitness journey By Trident Staff When Petty Officer 2nd Class Zac Leger deployed to Operation Reassurance with HMCS Charlottetown in 2017, he had a plan to stay in shape over the six months at sea – he would use the equipment available on […]
Les Mariners en quête d'une médaille d'or nationale en basketball à Halifax
Mariners seek national basketball gold in Halifax By Trident Staff After reclaiming the CAF Atlantic Region Basketball Championship earlier this year, the CFB Halifax Mariners Men’s Basketball team are looking to take the national title for the first time since 2014, and they’ll have the hometown crowd behind them. The […]
Le camp de développement contribue à l'élan du basket-ball féminin
Development camp helps build momentum for women’s basketball By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff The Canadian Armed Forces doesn’t currently have a full women’s basketball program, but efforts to develop the sport are growing, as shown by a recent skills camp held at CFB Halifax. Personnel Support Programs (PSP) staff on […]
Compte-rendu: Les Mariners font preuve de résilience aux championnats nationaux de hockey
Firsthand Account: Mariners show resilience at hockey nationals By S1 Natassia Lei Sailor 1st Class Natassia Lei, a member of both Naval Fleet School (Atlantic) and the CFB Halifax Mariners women’s hockey team, has provided this account of the team’s recent silver-medal win at the CAF National Championship. Pregame: After […]
Les Mariners remportent l'argent aux championnats nationaux de hockey féminin de la FAC
Mariners take silver at CAF Women’s Hockey Nationals By Trident Staff After a disappointing start to the tournament, the CFB Halifax Mariners were able to bounce back to secure a spot in the finals and a silver medal at the 2023 CAF National Women’s Hockey Championship. The national tournament, held […]