Confirm your positive enrolment for your dental plan with Canada Life By DND Starting in September, Canada Life will be contacting Public Service Dental Care Plan members and pensioners by mail or email to confirm that they have completed positive enrolment for you for the new Public Service Dental Care […]
Concours d'imagerie des FAC : Les soumissions doivent être envoyées avant le 15 octobre
CAF Imagery Contest: Submissions due by October 15 By DND The 57th annual Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Imagery Contest is now accepting submissions! The annual contest held by Canadian Forces Morale and Welfare Services (CFMWS) runs from September 1 to October 15, 2024, and is open to all CF One […]
L'OTAN renforce ses capacités de guerre électronique dans le cadre de l'exercice Dynamic Guard
NATO strengthens electronic warfare capabilities during Exercise Dynamic Guard By NATO Allied Maritime Command Standing NATO Maritime Group Two (SNMG2) led an electronic warfare and anti-ship missile defence exercise, known as Dynamic Guard, in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Crete in Greece from September 2 to 6, 2024. […]
Le GCMVD accueille un nouveau coprésident et souligne ses récentes victoires
DVMAG welcomes new co-chair, highlights recent wins By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff The Halifax region Defence Visible Minorities Advisory Group (DVMAG) recently welcomed a new military co-chair, with Petty Officer 1st Class (PO1) Korey Tynes taking over the role from the outgoing co-chair, Officer Cadet (OCdt) Saif Morsy. The switch […]
Le GCDPH et le musée naval s'associent pour proposer des programmes accessibles
DAGPWD and Naval Museum team up to offer accessible programs By Trident Staff The Halifax Region Defence Advisory Group for Persons with Disabilities (DAGPWD) and the Naval Museum of Halifax have partnered on a unique program designed to introduce naval history to individuals living with disabilities. Both DAGPWD and museum […]
Les centres de ressources pour les familles des militaires de l'Atlantique reçoivent un soutien
Atlantic Military Family Resource Centres receive support Partner content Supporting the approximately 66,000 Regular Force members in Canada is a challenge. But what about their families? Canadian military families tend to face significant emotional and financial challenges, according to a report by the Journal of Military, Veteran and Family Health. […]
Le MDN rend compte de la façon dont il fait progresser les valeurs et l’éthique au sein de l’Équipe de la Défense
DND reports how it is advancing values and ethics across the Defence Team By DND In June 2024, the Department of National Defence (DND) submitted a self-assessment report to the Clerk of the Privy Council on actions DND and the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) have taken regarding values and ethics […]
Le NAFC Glenevis remis en service grâce à l’IMFCS
CFAV Glenevis back in service thanks to FMFCS By Gabrielle Brunette, Fleet Maintenance Facility Cape Scott The Canadian Forces Auxiliary Vessel (CFAV) Glenevis completed an extensive Docking Work Period (DWP) overhaul earlier this year at the Fleet Maintenance Facility Cape Scott (FMFCS) and was undocked in May 2024. The Royal […]
Campagne de charité en milieu de travail de la Défense nationale 2024 de la région d’Halifax et Shearwater : Message de la championne
2024 Halifax & Shearwater Region National Defence Workplace Charitable Campaign (NDWCC): Champion’s Message Local Defence Team, Welcome to the 2024 National Defence Workplace Charitable Campaign (NDWCC)! I am thrilled to be leading local campaign efforts as the 2024 NDWCC Champion for the Halifax and Shearwater region. For those of you who […]
Les chandails du MDN des Mooseheads ajoutés à la collection du Temple de la renommée du hockey
Mooseheads DND jerseys added to Hockey Hall of Fame collection By Trident Staff The long-running partnership between Personnel Support Programs (PSP) Halifax, the Halifax Mooseheads, and Camp Hill Veterans’ Memorial Building recently caught the attention of the Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto. This year’s military-themed jersey for the […]