

Une nouvelle application offre aux membres des FAC un accès facile et sécurisé à leur rémunération et à leurs avantages sociaux

New app provides CAF members easy and secure access to compensation and benefits  By DND  Active CAF Regular Force and Reserve Force members, the new mobile CAF Compensation and Benefits (C&B) smartphone application (app) is now live. The app allows you to securely view your pay statements in a few […]


« M’entendez-vous bien maintenant? » Instruction QG-mat 2 COMM NAV à l’EN(A)

“Can you hear me now?” – NAV COMM RQS2 Training at NFSA  By MS Danny Laplante, Naval Communicator Instructor, Naval Fleet School (Atlantic)   A unique training opportunity unfolded for seven students from the Naval Communicator (NAV COMM) Rank Qualification Sailor Second Class (RQS2) course in Halifax. Naval Fleet School (Atlantic) […]


La 23e cérémonie annuelle de la Mention d'honneur commémorative Liz Hoffman 

Honouring exceptional dedication in the Defence community: The 23rd Annual Liz Hoffman Memorial Commendation Ceremony   By the Office of the Ombudsman  In a celebration of remarkable dedication and service, the 23rd annual Liz Hoffman Memorial Commendation ceremony recently honoured outstanding members of Canada’s Defence community. This prestigious commendation recognizes Canadian […]


Le concours de jeunes journalistes 2024

2024 Youth Reporter Competition By CFMWS  Canadian Forces Morale and Welfare Services (CFMWS) is thrilled to announce the launch of the 2024 Youth Reporter Competition. This initiative is designed to inspire and engage young aspiring journalists and storytellers.   As National Newspaper Week celebrates the vital role newspapers play in delivering […]


Les PSP d'Halifax cherchent à revitaliser le flag football en organisant des séances d'entraînement 

PSP Halifax looks to revitalize flag football with training sessions Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff  Local military members with interest in flag football have been getting some professional pointers through a series of skill-building sessions on Stadacona’s Porteous Field.  Personnel Support Services (PSP) Halifax has partnered with Micah Brown of BATLX […]