

La Musique Stadacona et les musiciens de la 14e Escadre offrent un spectacle émouvant à l'occasion de la Semaine des vétérans 

Stadacona Band, 14 Wing musicians deliver moving Veterans’ Week performance  By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff  It was a full house at the Spatz Theatre in Halifax on November 10, as the Stadacona Band of the Royal Canadian Navy, along with guests from the 14 Wing Greenwood Brass and Reed Band, […]

actualités Sport

Nouvelles recrues bienvenues pour le programme de hockey féminin de la BFC Halifax  

New players welcome for CFB Halifax Women’s Hockey   The CFB Halifax Women’s Hockey program is on the lookout for potential players for the upcoming 2024/2025 hockey season. The base is now home to both the CFB Halifax Mariners women’s team (competitive) and the Kraken women’s hockey team (developmental). Organizers note […]


Les navires de l'OTAN démontrent leur état de préparation lors de la Neptune Strike 24-2 

NATO ships demonstrate readiness during Neptune Strike 24-2  By NATO Allied Maritime Command  Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 (SNMG2) took part in NATO’s Neptune Strike 24-2 between October 24 – 30, showcasing NATO’s commitment to collective defence and maritime readiness.  During a series of maritime activities, SNMG2 conducted a Passing […]