

Le projet de classe Fleuves et rivières se poursuit avec la mise en place d'une nouvelle installation AEGIS 

Work continues on River-class project as new AEGIS facility established  By Trident Staff  The Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) recently celebrated an early milestone as part of work on the future River-class Destroyers (RCD).  November 21 marked the official unveiling of the RCN’s AEGIS Combat System Integration Centre, located inside the […]


Participation de membres de l’Équipe de la Défense locale à une Journée d’entraide avec l’organisme Habitat pour l’humanité

Local Defence Team Members participate in a Day of Caring with Habitat for Humanity Nova Scotia By Kathryn Gatien, CFB Halifax Public Affairs On October 9, local Defence Team members joined forces for a United Way Maritimes (previously United Way Halifax) Day of Caring activity to support Habitat for Humanity […]

actualités Sport

Processus de soumission de demande pour la subvention pour les femmes dans le sport des FAC maintenant en cours 

CAF Women in Sports Grant: Applications now open  By CFMWS  The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Women in Sports has recently transitioned their initiative into the CAF Women in Sports Program. This program is designed to address and reduce the obstacles and challenges that have historically impeded women’s full and equal […]

actualités Sport

Les plongeurs de la Marine poursuivent leurs efforts de collecte de fonds pour les Christmas Daddies après une course de 50 km 

Navy Divers keep up Christmas Daddies fundraising efforts following 50K run  By Trident Staff  While runners from Fleet Diving Unit (Atlantic) (FDU(A)) completed the annual Navy Divers 50K Run earlier this month, their 2024 campaign in support of the Christmas Daddies telethon is far from over.  This year’s Christmas Daddies, […]