DND Honours Emancipation Day in Halifax By DND, On August 1, 2023, the Department of National Defence (DND) and the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) hosted an extraordinary event in Halifax celebrating Emancipation Day with reverence and enthusiasm. The commemoration demonstrated DND’s continuous efforts to promote diversity and inclusion, and increase […]
Un membre de longue date de la Musique Stadacona est le nouveau premier maître de l'unité
Longtime Stad band member is new unit Chief Petty Officer By Trident staff On August 1, the Stadacona Band of the Royal Canadian Navy called a special promotion ceremony to celebrate Petty Officer 1st Class Susan Kulik’s promotion to acting Chief Petty Officer 2nd Class, as well as her appointment […]
IMFCS : Un regard de l'intérieur sur les évolutions de l'arrimage et du désarrimage
FMFCS: An inside look into docking and undocking evolutions By Gabrielle Brunette, Fleet Maintenance Facility Cape Scott The first half of 2023 was incredibly busy for the Fleet Maintenance Facility Cape Scott (FMFCS) with the docking and undocking of various vessels. In the last few months alone, our team has […]
Le M 1 Buchanan du NCSM Montréal réfléchit à l'opération Projection
HMCS Montréal’s PO1 Buchanan reflects on Operation Projection By Capt Trevor Young, HMCS Montréal Petty Officer 1st Class Rory “Bucky” Buchanan grew up in Sundridge, Ontario and joined the Royal Canadian Navy as a marine technician in 2004. Initially, he had hoped to become a police officer with the Ontario […]
Message du nouveau ministre de la Défense nationale
Message from the new Minister of National Defence Dear colleagues, I am honoured to be appointed as your new Minister of National Defence. I have dedicated my career to keeping Canadians safe, and I welcome the opportunity to work with all of you in this new role. This institution has […]
Spectacle de l’équipe de parachutistes SkyHawks
Local Defence Team members, their families, and members of the public are invited to watch a performance by the Canadian Armed Forces Parachute Team, the SkyHawks, at the 12 Wing Shearwater sports field on Wednesday, August 23 at 7 p.m. Canada’s only military parachute team, the SkyHawks have embarked on […]
Un instructeur de l'EN(A) est « rempli de fierté » après avoir joué un rôle dans les Jeux indigènes
NFS(A) instructor was “filled with pride” after role with Indigenous Games By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff A local sailor says he was left feeling proud of his heritage, culture, and his military career after being tasked to carry the DND/CAF Eagle Staff during the opening ceremonies of the recent North […]
Le NCSM Harry DeWolf reprendra la mer dans le cadre de l’opération NANOOK
Harry DeWolf heading back to sea on Operation Nanook By RCN After ten months of an operational hiatus for necessary repairs and extensive sailor training, His Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Harry DeWolf departed Halifax on August 10 for the 2023 iteration of the annual Arctic sovereignty deployment, Operation Nanook. “From […]
La BFC Halifax sort gagnante du défi de la pauvreté menstruelle
CFB Halifax comes out on top after Period Poverty challenge By Peter Mallett, The Lookout Captain (Navy) Peter Sproule was in positive spirits about being tossed into the chilly waters of Esquimalt Harbour on a cool and grey day. The Chief of Staff for Maritime Forces Pacific (MARPAC) was in […]
Les nouveaux plongeurs-démineurs s'apprêtent à suivre une formation intensive de 10 mois
New Clearance Divers set to graduate from intensive 10-month course By Lt(N) Jake Kresky, Clearance Diving Officer Course 0020 “To provide High-Readiness Clearance Diving teams responsible for delivering Mine Countermeasures Diving, Maritime Explosive Ordnance Disposal and in-water maintenance and repair support worldwide on behalf of the CAF.” This is the […]