

Le tournoi de goalball est une célébration « significative » de l'accessibilité du sport 

Goalball tournament a “meaningful” celebration of accessible sport  By Nathan Stone, Trident Staff  Military personnel recently donned blindfolds and battled for supremacy while showcasing an accessible sport for people with blindness or limited vision.  On May 30, six teams competed in the Stadacona S-120 Drill Hall for the chance to […]


Journée de nettoyage de la communauté pour le département GSM du NCSM Toronto

HMCS Toronto MSE department community cleanup By HMCS Toronto MSE There are many different phases in the operational cycle of a Halifax-Class Frigate, and not all of them involve participating in domestic operations or sailing to faraway lands.   Currently, His Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Toronto is deep into its docking […]


Le nouveau premier maître de la flotte de l'Atlantique offre « mentorat, conseils et soutien »  

New Atlantic Fleet Chief offers “mentorship, guidance and support”   By Nathan Stone, Trident Staff  Canadian Fleet Atlantic welcomed its new Fleet Chief at a Change of Appointment Ceremony at His Majesty’s Canadian (HMC) Dockyard on June 13.   “I feel extremely privileged today” said Chief Petty Officer 1st class (CPO1) Patrick […]


Donner son 110 %: Un nouveau partenariat pour renforcer les capacités de formation

Giving 110%: New partnership boosts training capacity  By Naval Training Group Public Affairs  “Supply and demand” is a concept often used to understand consumer behaviour.  But the model extends beyond economics and can shape a range of management decisions, including those affecting the naval training system.  Case in point: Naval […]