Canadian Military Colleges Review Board to visit Halifax To all members of Maritime Forces Atlantic and CFB Halifax, Members of the Canadian Military Colleges Review Board (CMCRB) will be visiting Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) bases, wings and formations from 27-31 May, 2024, to engage in a series of site visits, […]
À la recherche des premières défenses d'Halifax au parc RA
Searching for Halifax’s earliest defenses underfoot at RA Park By Nathan Stone, Trident Staff A Saint Mary’s University archaeologist is searching for the remains of some of Halifax’s earliest defensive structures in Royal Artillery Park Archaeology and colonialism professor Dr. Jonathan Fowler presented “The Historical Archaeology of Halifax’s Earliest Defenses,” […]
Le concert de printemps de la Musique Stadacona met en lumière les contributions des femmes et commémore la bataille de l'Atlantique
Spotlight on women’s contributions & Battle of the Atlantic remembrance at Stadacona Band spring concert By CFB Halifax Public Affairs On April 28, the Stadacona Band of the Royal Canadian Navy performed a free, public concert at the Spatz Theatre in downtown Halifax titled “Women in Excellence – a Battle […]
La C Svc S FC (A) accueille un nouveau adjudant‑chef
CF Hlth Svcs C (A) welcomes new CWO By Nathan Stone, Trident Staff Chief Warrant Officer (CWO) David Finamore has been appointed as the new unit Sergeant Major for Canadian Forces Health Services Centre (Atlantic) (CF Hlth Svcs C [A]). The appointment ceremony was held on May 3 in the […]
Le salon de l'emploi de la Réserve de l'Armée de terre met en avant des « opportunités d'emploi fantastiques »
Army Reserve job fair highlights “fantastic employment opportunities” By Nathan Stone, Trident Staff Canadian Army Reserve personnel, equipment, vehicles, arms and artillery were all on hand at the 36 Canadian Brigade Group’s (36 CBG) job fair on the Halifax Common on April 20. Held across the street from the historic […]
Le NCSM Sackville se rend à son poste d'amarrage d'été avec l'aide du PEM
HMCS Sackville heads to summer berth with NEP help By Nathan Stone, Trident Staff A multifaceted crew of volunteers, Navy personnel, and sailors in training oversaw the annual towing of His Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Sackville to its seasonal home on the Halifax waterfront on May 1. Sackville was towed […]
Semaine nationale de la sécurité routière du MDN : Évitez la conduite agressive !
DND National Road Safety Week: Avoid aggressive driving! By DND This year’s Road Safety Week campaign is a strong reminder that the decisions drivers make not only affect them, but also other participants in traffic with whom they share the road. It is designed to increase the compliance with DND, […]
Un patrimoine d’excellence navale et de philanthropie
RAdm Hugh Francis Pullen: A legacy of naval excellence and philanthropy By Naval Training Group Joining the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) as a Naval Cadet in 1920, Rear-Admiral (RAdm) Hugh Francis Pullen had no idea he had just embarked on what would be remembered as a legacy of naval service. […]
Le marin du trimestre donne un exemple remarquable
Sailor of the Quarter sets a “remarkable example” By Nathan Stone, Trident Staff There was no shortage of accolades for Sailor 1st Class (S1) Raven Night as she was awarded Sailor of the Quarter for her volunteerism and hard work — both in and out of uniform. S1 Night is […]
Deux frères capitaines d’armes encadrent les prochains dirigeants
Coxswain brothers mentor future leaders By RCN With a collective 52 years of service, Joe and Dan Dagenais are a perfect example of family ties and dedication as Chief Petty Officer 1st Class Coxswains in the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN). Younger brother Joe began his service in 1994. Motivated by […]