

RCEME 75th anniversary

Royal Canadian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers celebrate 75th Anniversary By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff The corps of the Royal Canadian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers are celebrating their 75th Anniversary in 2019, and members in Halifax marked the occasion on May 15, RCEME Day, with a special 75th Anniversary parade at […]


Padre’s Corner

Coping with global trauma By Lt(N) Padre Graeme Carruth “That’s it! I’m done with watching the news!” Every week I hear some version of that phrase. Many or maybe all of us, get sick of listening to the barrage of horrific news that bombards us. The news of global tragedy […]


CFAEP graduation parade

CFAEP graduates ready to take the next step By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff After a challenging three-week introduction to life in the CAF, the latest participants in the Canadian Forces Aboriginal Entry Program (CFAEP) were on parade at the new Windsor Park Armoury for a graduation ceremony on May 17. […]