

Le nouveau premier maître de la flotte de l'Atlantique offre « mentorat, conseils et soutien »  

New Atlantic Fleet Chief offers “mentorship, guidance and support”   By Nathan Stone, Trident Staff  Canadian Fleet Atlantic welcomed its new Fleet Chief at a Change of Appointment Ceremony at His Majesty’s Canadian (HMC) Dockyard on June 13.   “I feel extremely privileged today” said Chief Petty Officer 1st class (CPO1) Patrick […]


Donner son 110 %: Un nouveau partenariat pour renforcer les capacités de formation

Giving 110%: New partnership boosts training capacity  By Naval Training Group Public Affairs  “Supply and demand” is a concept often used to understand consumer behaviour.  But the model extends beyond economics and can shape a range of management decisions, including those affecting the naval training system.  Case in point: Naval […]