Auteur : Le journal du Trident


HMCS Venture stood up to deliver RCN leadership education / Le NCSM Venture s’est levé pour offrir une formation au leadership de la MRC

HMCS Venture stood up to deliver RCN leadership education By Naval Personnel and Training Group (NPTG) On Friday, July 15, in a signing ceremony held at Work Point at CFB Esquimalt, Commander (Cdr) Mike Stefanson was officially appointed as the inaugural Commanding Officer of HMCS Venture (the RCN’s naval leadership […]

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World Military Sailing Championships / Championnat du monde militaire de voile

Five athletes from the Royal Canadian Navy recently represented Canada at the 53rd World Military Sailing Championships in Brest, France. The event, organized by the French Navy on behalf of the International Military Sports Council (CISM), aims to promote friendship through sport by providing opportunities for armed forces personnel from […]


Former shipmates work together again at RIMPAC 2022 / D’anciens compagnons de bord se retrouvent à RIMPAC 2022

Former shipmates work together again at RIMPAC 2022 By Lt (N) Michelle Scott, HMCS Vancouver The Alistair MacDonald song ‘Heading for Halifax’ famously notes that for those born in Cape Breton ‘Wherever they go, there’s bound to be friends from back home’. Arriving in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, for Rim of […]

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Committee members thanked after historic government apology

On July 9, following the National Apology to descendants of No. 2 Construction Battalion, the Halifax Defence Visible Minorities Advisory Group (DVMAG) presented National Apology Advisory Committee (NAAC) members with certificates of appreciation for their contributions and leadership in shaping this historic moment of remembrance and reconciliation. The event brought […]