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Auteur : Le journal du Trident
Message des Fêtes du commandant de la BFC Halifax, le Capv Andy MacKenzie
Greetings, Defence Team. As many of us prepare to leave on holiday break, I would like to share how impressed I am at the level of success, dedication and professionalism our CFB Halifax team has demonstrated in 2022. From the team at King’s Harbour Master that enables our fleet and […]
Profil d'un marin : Le violoniste de bord du NCSM Montréal
Sailor profile: HMCS Montréal’s shipboard violinist By Capt Trevor Young, Public Affairs Officer, HMCS Montréal In the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean, in a sea-state that could turn even the strongest of stomachs, tucked away in a small room clad in metal pipes and endless wiring called the Recovery […]
Cours en cours pour les nouveaux plongeurs du bord
Pendant que les membres de l'Unité de plongée de la Flotte (Atlantique) se préparent pour leur course de charité, les participants au cours 022 de plongeurs de bord sont occupés à perfectionner leurs compétences en plongée avec l'unité. Les tests récents dans l'eau pour les futurs plongeurs comprenaient des recherches sur les jetées et des routines d'entretien avec le NCSM Fredericton.
La journée « Invitons nos jeunes au travail »
On November 2, grade nine students gathered across CFB Halifax, the greater Formation and 12 Wing Shearwater for Take Our Kids to Work Day – a national day that provides students with a glimpse of the rewarding career paths their parents, guardians, extended family or friends have chosen. Students got […]
Il est encore temps de soutenir la collecte de fonds du SBMFC pour les Jours Joyeux
Still time to support CFMWS Jolly Days fundraiser By PSP The holiday season provides a welcome break from the fast pace of our day-to- day lives. It is an occasion to celebrate, to recharge and to enjoy ourselves. It is also a time of giving and sharing. When shopping this […]
Le club de la flotte remporte une victoire 9-0 à la 51e Mini-Coupe Grey
Fleet Club takes 9-0 win at 51st Mini Grey Cup By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff After a two-year hiatus, one of CFB Halifax’s most popular annual events returned on November 18, with the Fleet Club Slackers taking on the Wardroom Officers in the 51st annual Mini Grey Cup flag football […]
Promouvoir la sensibilisation à l'énergie au travail et à la maison
Promoting energy awareness at work and at home By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff Base personnel got a helpful update on local environmental and energy-efficiency initiatives recently, with information booths set up at different sites on November 15 and 16 to mark MARLANT Energy Awareness Week. Staff from MARLANT Safety and […]
Des plongeurs de la marine prêts à courir pour Christmas Daddies
Navy Divers ready to run for Christmas Daddies By Joanie Veitch, Trident Staff Members of Fleet Diving Unit (Atlantic) are busy planning their annual Navy Divers Run in support of the Christmas Daddies Telethon on Saturday, December 3. After two years of COVID-19 restrictions limiting in-person events, this year’s fundraiser […]
CRFM: Aide pour les périodes de fêtes
MFRC: Help for the Holidays By Angela Duckworth, Halifax & Region Military Family Resource Centre The Halifax & Region Military Family Resource Centre offers support and resources to military and veteran families. There may be times when families are faced with personal financial challenges, especially during the holiday season. Some […]