Upcoming dates for CAF Atlantic Region sports By Trident Staff Canadian Armed Forces sports is back in full swing this winter through the Atlantic Region, with a number of regional events planned for the coming months. Interested in competing or being part of a team representing your base? Contact your […]
Auteur : Le journal du Trident
Trinity termine l'année avec des honneurs et des récompenses
Le Capf Alexandre Lebel, commandant de Trinity MOSIC (à gauche), présente au le Matc Matthew Carrigan sa décoration des Forces canadiennes le 12 décembre à S-89 à la BFC Halifax. Bravo Zulu à tous ceux qui ont reçu des honneurs, des récompenses et des promotions pendant la cérémonie. TOUTES LES PHOTOS SONT UNE COURTOISIE DE CPLC MANUELA BERGER.
L'équipe de Gagetown remporte la bannière aux régionaux de badminton à Halifax
Gagetown team takes banner at badminton regionals in Halifax By Second Lieutenant Meagan Duncan Racquets were swinging and birdies were flying at the Atlantic Regional Badminton Championship tournament from December 5 – 9 at the Fleet Fitness and Sports Centre in Halifax. This was the first regional tournament in several […]
5e Division du Canada: La charité commence à la maison
Charity Starts at Home By Capt Michelle Noseworthy, 5th Canadian Division PAO If you visit 5th Canadian Division Headquarters during the holiday season, you may be greeted by some strange sights. You may see the Grinch walking around, or soldiers working at their desks dressed as Tarzan or Mickey Mouse. […]
Service de Noël de Stadacona
Members of the Stadacona Band Woodwind Quintet performed during the CFB Halifax Chapel Christmas Service at the Stadacona Faith Centre, held on December 4. Padre Lt(N) Annie Lampron delivered the Christmas sermon. The service also featured the Canadian Military Wives Choir of Halifax.
Mise à jour : Installation de conditionnement physique à Stadacona
Stadacona fitness facility update By CFB Halifax Last October, the CFB Halifax Base Commander joined with representatives from Real Property Operations Section Halifax and Defence Construction Canada for a groundbreaking ceremony to mark the beginning of construction of a winterized fitness facility at CFB Halifax Stadacona. Modelled after a similar […]
Volume 57, édition 01, 09 janvier 2023
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Hanukkah célébrée par l'allumage de la menorah
L'équipe de commandement de la 12e Escadre Shearwater, le Col Patrick MacNamara et l'Adjuc Kevin Wezenbeek, se sont joints aux l'aumôniers des MARLANT le 13 décembre pour allumer une ménorah devant le quartier général de l'escadre. Ce petit événement a marqué la troisième année consécutive où la 12e Escadre a célébré la « fête des lumières » juive.
Des espaces d'allaitement désignés pour soutenir les membres du service et leurs familles
Designated lactation spaces support service members and their families By Joanie Veitch, Trident Staff When Lieutenant (Navy) Rudee Gaudet went back to work in September 2021 — a year after the birth of her second child — she knew she wanted to continue breastfeeding. A Public Affairs Officer (PAO) at […]
La chronique de l’aumônier: Quelle est votre mission ?
Padre’s Corner: What is your mission? By Lt(N) Stephen Cogswell 12 Wing Chaplain What is your mission? It could be that one of the most important considerations you’ll give, as you turn the calendar into 2023, is just that; your mission. I know, I know, we’re accustomed to that terminology […]