Road to Wellness is well underway! By the Health Promotion Team It’s time for a wild goose chase. If you’ve never heard of either Goosechase or Road to Wellness, you’ve got to get moving…literally! Hosted by PSP Health Promotion until July 12th, Road to Wellness is an initiative aimed at […]
Auteur : Le journal du Trident
La vie d'un sous-marinier : Le M 1 Thomas « Keith » Griffin
A Submariner’s life: PO1 Thomas “Keith” Griffin By Vince Joyce, Pictou County Military Museum Thomas “Keith” Griffin was born on July 29, 1937, in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Mr. Griffin joined the Naval Reserve, HMCS Chippawa Corps, in Winnipeg in 1954 and he served sea time on HMCS Kentville and HMCS Athabaskan. […]
Ne manquez pas les Journées de la famille du MDN 2023
Don’t miss out on DND Family Days 2023 By PSP Halifax DND Family Days is back at HMC Dockyard in Halifax for the first time since 2019! The event is presented by Personnel Support Programs (PSP) Halifax and Sobeys, and organizers have made sure there are plenty of reasons for […]
Chronique de l'aumônier : Faites-en une grande aventure
Padre’s Corner: Make it a grand adventure By Lt A-J Cottreau BTL Chaplain, CFB Halifax It is that time of year again, posting season. There are farewell luncheons, barbecues, and gatherings to say goodbye to colleagues and their families, or perhaps you’re the one who is heading to a new […]
Nouveau commandant au CGNFC
Le Capitaine de vaisseau Blair Brown (à gauche), nouveau commandant du Centre de guerre navale des Forces canadiennes (CGNFC), avec le pouvoir de signature du Commodore Jason Armstrong (au milieu), directeur général du développement des forces navales, et le Capitaine de vaisseau Allen Fry (à droite), commandant sortant, signent les certificats de passation de commandement lors d'une cérémonie [...]
Le NCSM Fredericton participe à FLOTEX-23 avec le SNMG2
HMCS Fredericton participates in FLOTEX-23 with SNMG2 By NATO MARCOM PA HMCS Fredericton and its Standing NATO Maritime Group Two (SNMG2) partners departed Naval Station Rota, Spain on Monday, May 29th, 2023 in anticipation of the start of Flotilla Exercise 2023 (FLOTEX-23) hosted by the Spanish Navy in the western […]
Les grapplers de la région de l'Atlantique participent à la 12e Escadre Shearwater
Atlantic Region grapplers compete at 12 Wing Shearwater By Trident Staff The combat sports community continues to grow across the Canadian Armed Forces, and 12 Wing Shearwater recently tapped into that popularity, hosting the first Atlantic Regional Grappling development camp and tournament from May 30-31. More than two dozen grapplers […]
Obtenez votre diplôme d'études secondaires : La CAF soutient les parcours scolaires
Get your high school diploma: CAF supports academic journeys By Anna Wilk, Policy Analyst, Canadian Armed Forces Transition Group If you are a Regular Force or a Reserve Force member of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) who does not currently hold a high school diploma, the High School Education Initiative […]
Aperçu de l’aire du quart de la section des communications navales de la BFC Halifax
An inside look at the CFB Halifax Naval Communications Section Watch Floor By Leah Coughlin, CFB Halifax Public Affairs As a civilian with no previous Watchkeeper knowledge, it is hard to put into words the experience of stepping onto the Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Halifax Naval Communications Section (NCS) Watch […]
Les FAC soutiennent l'intervention de la Nouvelle-Écosse en cas d'incendie de forêt
Après que le gouvernement fédéral a approuvé une demande de la province de la Nouvelle-Écosse pour l'aide des Forces armées canadiennes en réponse à une série d'incendies de forêt, une équipe de l'Unité d'intervention immédiate de la 5e Division canadienne a été déployée à partir de la BS 5 Div CA Gagetown pour commencer à fournir de l'aide dans le cadre de l'opération Lentus. Les équipes [...]