Champion’s message: Welcome to the 2023 Halifax Region National Defence Workplace Charitable Campaign By Captain (Navy) Andy MacKenzie 2023 Halifax Region NDWCC Champion Base Commander, CFB Halifax Local Defence Team, Welcome to the 2023 National Defence Workplace Charitable Campaign (NDWCC) season! As your local (Halifax Region) NDWCC Champion, I am happy […]
Auteur : Le journal du Trident
La MRC fière : Le PM 1 (retraité) William "Bill" Pratt
RCN Proud: From Navy cook, to chef, to entrepreneur: CPO1 (Ret’d) William “Bill” Pratt By Vincent Joyce, Pictou County Military Museum Mr. Bill Pratt, Chief Petty Officer 1st Class (Retired), served in the Royal Canadian Navy for 27 years. During that time, Bill says he grew up moving from base […]
RIMPAC 24 : la marine des États-Unis lance un appel à candidatures pour la conception du logo de 2024
RIMPAC 24 : U.S. Third Fleet seeking submissions for 2024 logo design By DND The world’s largest maritime military exercise, Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC), is holding a competition to find a logo for its 2024 edition. This is an opportunity for any artist, designer or creative person who would […]
Les membres des FAC qui subissent du harcèlement sexuel peuvent porter plainte directement à la CCDP
CAF members who experience sexual harassment can bring complaints directly to the CHRC By The Canadian Human Rights Commission Effective as of August 15, 2023, any Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members who have experienced sexual harassment, sexual misconduct or any other form of discrimination based on sex/gender while performing their […]
Chronique de l'aumônier : L'humilité à l'œuvre
Padre’s Corner: The Humble Grind By Padre Capt Paul Reimer, BTL Chaplain, CFB Halifax How do we continue to keep pushing through those challenging moments in life, when we just feel like we have plateaued, or it has been a while since we had a win? We may become concerned […]
Les organisateurs espèrent tirer parti de l'événement du camp de jour de l'INCA au musée naval
Organizers hope to build off Naval Museum CNIB day camp event By Mikela Thoms, Federal Student Work Experience Program (FSWEP) On July 25, for the first time, the Naval Museum of Halifax hosted a group of young blind and partially sighted guests from the CNIB’s Summer Fun Day Camp. The […]
Volume 57, édition 17, 21 août 2023
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Le MDN souligne le Jour de l’émancipation à Halifax
DND Honours Emancipation Day in Halifax By DND, On August 1, 2023, the Department of National Defence (DND) and the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) hosted an extraordinary event in Halifax celebrating Emancipation Day with reverence and enthusiasm. The commemoration demonstrated DND’s continuous efforts to promote diversity and inclusion, and increase […]
Un membre de longue date de la Musique Stadacona est le nouveau premier maître de l'unité
Longtime Stad band member is new unit Chief Petty Officer By Trident staff On August 1, the Stadacona Band of the Royal Canadian Navy called a special promotion ceremony to celebrate Petty Officer 1st Class Susan Kulik’s promotion to acting Chief Petty Officer 2nd Class, as well as her appointment […]
Les Mariners de Halifax remportent l'or en balle lente régionale
L'équipe masculine de balle lente des Mariners de Halifax représentera la région de l'Atlantique aux championnats nationaux après avoir remporté le championnat de balle lente de la région de l'Atlantique de la FAC, qui s'est déroulé à Dartmouth du 31 juillet au 4 août. Les Mariners ont battu les Warriors de Gagetown dans le match de la médaille d'or. Cette année, les championnats nationaux de balle lente de la FAC [...]