Health Promotion October schedule By the Health Promotion Team With multiple holidays on the horizon, we have done our best to adjust our schedule to fit your schedule. Here are the upcoming programs and events from Health Promotion in October AODGGA (MITE code) Alcohol, Other Drugs, Gambling and Gaming Awareness […]
Auteur : Le journal du Trident
Les Atlantic Selects battent la Royal Navy Rugby Union à Halifax
Il n'y aurait pas de véritable semaine internationale de la flotte sans une démonstration unique de l'athlétisme militaire, et le match de rugby spécial qui s'est déroulé au Wanderers Grounds, à Halifax, le 9 septembre, répondait certainement à ce critère. La Royal Navy Rugby Union a fait venir quelques-uns de ses meilleurs éléments de l'autre côté de l'océan pour [...]
Vous ressentez le stress du mois de septembre ? Vous n'êtes pas seul !
Feeling that September stress? You’re not alone! By The Health Promotion Team Research shows that many individuals experience a very large increase in perceived stress once September rolls around. Whether this stress can be attributed to the start of another school year or everyone (including managers, clients, and coworkers) finally […]
La semaine de la flotte attire des milliers de personnes au centre-ville d'Halifax
Fleet week brings thousands to downtown Halifax By Trident Staff Ships and sailors from Canada, the United States and the UK converged on Halifax from September 7-10, with ship tours, public concerts, fireworks, sporting events and other celebrations on the agenda for the very first Halifax International Fleet Week. “This […]
RCN Proud: MS (Ret’d) Garry William Henderson
RCN Proud: From sailor to family man: MS (Ret’d) Garry William Henderson By Vincent Joyce, Pictou County Military Museum Garry “Bill” Henderson was born on October 13th, 1944, in New Glasgow, Nova Scotia. He joined the Royal Canadian Navy in September 1964 at the age of 19. Before joining the […]
Nouvelle équipe de commandement accueillie au NCSM Kingston
Le Musée naval d'Halifax a été l'hôte de deux importantes cérémonies navales le 31 août, alors que le NCSM Kingston a accueilli un nouveau commandant et un nouveau capitaine d'armes. La photo du haut montre la cérémonie de changement de nomination, avec la Pm 2 Josée Monette (à gauche), le Capf Jason Knowles, commandant du Kingston [...]
Le chronique de l'aumônier : Le changement est dans l'air
Padre’s Corner: Change is in the air By Padre Capt Meg Nicholls, Chaplain, CFB Halifax It’s that time of year again. Maybe you remember the Staples commercial with parents riding carts down the aisle to “It’s the most wonderful time of the year” playing in the background. Kids are slowly […]
Volume 57, édition 19, 18 septembre 2023
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Le NCSM Montréal approche de la fin du déploiement de l'Op Projection
HMCS Montréal nears end of Op Projection deployment By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff As His Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Montréal prepares to return to Halifax in the coming weeks, the ship’s commanding officer says he and his crew are full of pride after completing a unique Indo-Pacific deployment, mainly in […]
Le déploiement dans l'Indo-Pacifique est à la fois un défi et un moment fort de la carrière : Officier du génie
Indo-Pacific deployment both a challenge and a career highlight: Engineering officer By Capt Trevor Young, HMCS Montréal Lieutenant (Navy) Chris Quigley, originally from Augustine Cove, Prince Edward Island, is the head of the Marine Systems Engineering (MSE) Department onboard His Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Montréal. The department comprises about 55 […]